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Jayden stumbled through the train, her luggage and owl cage in both hands. "Merlin's pants!" She cursed under her breath as she searched for an empty compartment at the back of the train.
Finally. An empty compartment.
She set everything down with a sigh, taking special care to make sure that her owl was situated in a comfortable space.
"There you go snowflake! All nice and comfy!" She cooed, patting her snowy owl on it's head.
Now where was everyone?
Jez struggled through the train dragging her trunk and kitty carrier behind her. Discontented grumbles came from deep within the carrier, accompanied by a hiss if it accidentally banged against the walls. "Sorry, sorry!" muttered Jez, although she didn't quite mean it. The cat inside the carrier snorted.
Jez spotted Jayden in one of the compartments, and opened the door with a relieved smile. "Hello!" she said, struggling for a moment with her trunk then giving up and taking out her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa!" The trunk flew upwards and secured itself in the overhead rank. Jez flung herself down opposite Jayden. "Did you have a nice summer?" she asked, playing with the end of her long plait, which wasn't looking scruffy for once but surprisingly smooth.