Jaren shut the door behind him, locking it, then paused and decided that it would have to do. He faced the Headmaster, reaching into his pocket to pull out the thing that had been making an odd noise. It was wrapped in his scarf, and he unwrapped it to reveal a small item that was whistling faintly.
"I bought a DMD over the holidays, and I carry it with me in my pocket," Jaren said, deciding to get directly to the point. "Reccently I have made a trip to Hogsmede, and I happened to pass by the Shrieking Shack when it went off. I have been in the area before with this detector, and it did not go off except on that day. Strangely enough, when I was returning from Hogsmede I ran into a few Housemates of mine, all distressed. One said that she suspected that someone had broken into the Shack, and the others told me that they had seen faint green light coming from the Shack. When I went to investigate, the DMD once again activated."
"I also understand that you have called off the Quidditch match and that we are not allowed to leave the castle at this point, and while you have not explained why this is so, I suspect that this incident links to mine. If I am allowed to make such a bold conclusion, I would say that some form of powerful dark magic has settled itself in the area around the school..." Jaren paused, and decided it would be best to wait to see what the Headmaster had to say before he continued.
__________________  Graphics made by: Ameh || I see you there! <3 |