Thread: Harry Potter: Katherine: Her Hogwarts Story - Sa9+
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Old 12-30-2011, 12:54 PM   #13 (permalink)
george is cool
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sinead O'Dowd
First Year
To PIGFARTS and beyond! ♥ Where the sky is blue ♥

Thanks for all your comments!

Sorry for the short chapter- if I'd included the feast it would've been too long.

Chapter five
Then was the sorting. First, a brown hat with a face sang a song about the houses. I was barely listening, I was so scared. Cody and Lights were first because their surname was Brighton. Even Cody looked worried as her name was called out. She sat on a stool and someone put the sorting hat on. “Gryffindor!” he called out without pausing to think about it. Cody looked relieved and sat down at a table covered in red and gold, every Gryffindor cheering.
“Brighton, Lights,” my friend’s name was called. She stepped up, sitting elegantly on the stool.
The sorting hat stopped, apparently thinking before shouting: “Hufflepuff!” Cody looked startled and Lights looked as though she was going to burst into tears. The new Hufflepuff sat down at the table decorated in yellow and black.
“Cumby, Millicent,” was called. “Ravenclaw!”
“Downton, Nigel” was another. “Slytherin!” and so it went on.
By the time it was my go, I was practically shaking. “Sharp, Katherine,” they called. I sat on the stool, nervously awaiting the result. A frosty-looking mistress gave me a horrible look. “You would do well in Ravenclaw, my dear,” it whispered to me.
“What about Gryffindor? Or Hufflepuff?” I pleaded.
“If you’re sure, then,” it made an action like a shrug. “Gryffindor!” he shouted. I sighed, running down the steps to the Gryffindor table, where Cody still looked upset.
“Are you ok?” I asked. She shrugged, turning to watch the rest of the sorting. It went on, until it was Lewis’ turn.
“Weasley, Lewis,” all his large family at the Gryffindor table held their breath. “Gryffindor!” it shouted immediately. He came to sit next to me, getting the loudest applause so far, with a giant grin spread over his face.
“Yaxley, Poppy!” was called.
“Slytherin,” Lewis whispered to me.
“Slytherin!” the hat called out.
It was over. Time for the feast...

Last edited by george is cool; 01-01-2012 at 12:15 PM. Reason: Next chapter
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