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Old 12-28-2011, 07:08 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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I've done a lot of writing over te Christmas holiday, so I have written like 4 chapters so far! So here's Chapter 10. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 10

“So, thinking about trying out for Quidditch Charlie?” asked Hagrid as he poured each of us a cup of tea in his hut. “I’ve seen you flying up at the field when you had free time, and you’re pretty good.”

“Nah, no first year has made the House team in a century. I don’t think I’ll be the next one.”

Hagrid smiled. “Oh, come on now. Have a bit o’ hope.”

It was Friday. Hagrid’s hut was very cozy, and a fire was going on in the corner. His big boar hound, Fang, was laying on my lap, which was quite uncomfortable since he must’ve weighed at least three times more than me. As I reached for my tea from behind one of Fang’s legs I put out the question of, “What’s Quidditch?”

At that, everyone went silent. Charlie stared at me like I was crazy, and Tonks nearly dropped her tea cup. Hagrid just simply sat there, stunned. Finally, Charlie said to me, “Well, it’s only the best sport in the world! I’m gonna have to show you some time. You have the build for a Seeker.”

Having no idea what a “Seeker” was, I just simply stayed quiet and sipped my tea.

We then dropped the subject of Quidditch, and continued on with the subject of school. I explained to them all about my detention of Professor Ports, with Tonks adding random details and making background noises as if it was some thriller movie. Charlie was also complaining about Professor Snape.

“I mean, we’re first years, not homework monkeys!” he’d exclaim at the top of his voice. “He’s only bagging on me because I’m a Gryffindor.”

Because I still understand House troubles, I didn’t say anything. But I knew that there was a problem and it needed to be solved.

“Now Charlie,” Hagrid would say. “Professor Snape may be the head of Slytherin House, but he is also an ‘ogwarts teacher. And teachers are not prejudice.”

“That’s what you think,” I heard Charlie mutter. But Hagrid did not hear because of the water kettle’s shrieking.

After Hagrid made himself more tea, and gave Fang a bone so he would get off of me (it was starting to get difficult to breathe), he sat down and looked out at us all.

“Hagrid,” said Charlie timidly, “Why aren’t we allowed to go in the forest?”

Hagrid looked at him, half-smiling. “Well, Charlie, there are dangerous creatures in that forest and it’s too dangerous fer kids, you know.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Well, there are werewolves and centaurs and unicorns…”

“Unicorns aren’t scary,” whispered Tonks with giggles.

“I’m just listing all the creatures off,” he replied smiling. “Then there’s bowtruckles and thestrals, and then something strange. Something unnatural.” His voice then trailed off.

I looked up at him, lost for words. Something unnatural? “What do you mean ‘something unnatural’?” I questioned.

“I don’t really know. All what I really know is that there’s this little hollow that all the animals steer away from. And I not sure why.”

“Well there must be some reason,” Tonks inquired. “Have you ever seen anything strange in that hollow?”

“No, can’t say I have,” replied Hagrid quietly. “But I know one thing,” he continued. “It isn’t something that will be of good service to the school.”

There was silence in the hut. We were all thinking the same thing. What was it?

The silence was then broken by Charlie. “Well I know one thing Hagrid, we’re gonna help you capture it!”

I stared at him in shock. We?

Luckily, Hagrid put this idea down right away. “You’ll do no such thin’. You could easily get hurt out there by that unnatural thin’! No, no, absolutely not!”

Charlie dropped the subject, but both Tonks and I could still see that crazy, manic, Gryffindor look in his eyes.

Hagrid then looked at the clock. “Oh my, is it really that time already? You guys better a get goin’ if you don’t want to be caught out after hours. And good luck with your detention Bandy.”

I then suddenly remembered my going-to-be-dreadful morning with Professor Ports. “Thanks Hagrid!”

We then all waved and headed back up to the castle.

Last edited by XenoLongbottom; 05-20-2012 at 07:26 PM.
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