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Presley Black "Well, I'd better go find her so we can get good seats on the train. It was nice to see you Elliot." Presley was trying to get away from the distracted girl as nicely as possible. After all, she had just given Presley a beautiful present. But she could tell that Elliot wanted to find other people, and Presley really needed to find her best friend. There was so much to tell her! Presley ducked her head in the slightest bow, appropriate for peers of the same social status, and turned to lug her trunks to the other end of the platform. "I suppose I'll be seeing you!"
Elliot nodded her head, trying to smirk at the girl. She was ready to get to the train, curl up, and read a good book. Or just stare out the window and be all...emotional-NO. Elliot would NOT let it get it to her. She was stronger than this! She was ELLIOT MORGANZO. Ugh.
And as she stepped onto the train, she let her face return to its cool facade.