SPOILER!!: Super Adam
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Adam gave the girl a small smile, noticing the small frown that appeared on her face. Er...perhaps he had offended her with the first year comment, but that had certainly not been his intention. "I don't think there's anything wrong with you," Adam said with a reassuring smile. He noticed that the girl was still holding on to his arm despite the fact that she completely upright and stable, but that was alright. She was kinda cute...in that little kid kind of way. "Alright, so, what you want to do is stand back far enough from the wall that you can get a good running start. As you're running towards the wall just think about how you want to enter the platform, and it should work," Adam said with a small smile. Well...that was what he did at least! "If you'd like I could run through at the same time as you?"
As Adam was about to ask he saw a girl running towards them, her greeting and mannerisms showing that she apparently knew the girl he was helping. "No worries," Adam said with a small smile.
Hearing the guy's comment about nothing wrong with her, Erin's attention turned towards the hands that was still on his arms. Blushing a little about her awkward mannerism, Erin quickly removed it from the guy's.
"I'm sorry about that," said Erin bowing her head slightly. Listening intently to the older boy's instructions,
"So, what to think on how I will enter the platform?" Okay, tell her now! Tell her that she was such a slow person, the one who needed so much time to pick up instructions.
He would help? Oh Em Gee! Her eyes brightened and instantly said,
"Really?" SPOILER!!: Kat
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Katrina was on her way to the Platform. She kissed her mom goodbye, waved to her sister Dianna before she left for the Ministry, and kissed her little 11 year-old brother Alexander (yeah, he's bound for Durmstrang later) before she left.
The second year pushed her trolley to the Platform but before she went through, she saw a familiar figure. She squinted a bit and realized it was her Ravenclaw pal...
"Hey there, Erin!" Katrina beamed at her friend. It's been months since they saw each other. Oh, how Katrina missed her. But the blonde realized Erin was talking to someone. "Oh... I'm sorry for disturbing."
Oh Katrina, you're doooooooomed!
"Kat!" Erin shouted! She hugged her the moment she saw her beautiful hair! She so missed her. Many many months passed with no Katrina in her life. And it was such a sad life.
"I have so many stories to tell you! But that can wait until we get onto the train."