Thread: Harry Potter: Katherine: Her Hogwarts Story - Sa9+
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Old 12-25-2011, 02:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
george is cool
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sinead O'Dowd
First Year
Default Katherine: Her Hogwarts Story - Sa9+
To PIGFARTS and beyond! ♥ Where the sky is blue ♥

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Potterverse, that pleasure goes to the wonderful Joanne Kathleen Rowling. I do own all the characters.

Chapter 1

OMG! I’m sooo excited! Today’s the day! No more St George’s, my awful, disgusting, terrible, awful, horrible school. Today I go to Hogwarts! It was really weird when a tawny owl arrived at my house and delivered a letter. I wonder if that’s how Wizards co-ordinate? Yes! Wizards! But, I’m a witch. Not an old, mean witch with a crooked nose. Don’t think I’m crazy, but I’m going to a school of magic! My mother didn’t believe it at first. Me, Katherine (Kath) Eleanor Sharp, special? Then another owl arrived, with a letter from the headmistress, Professor A. Middleton. There were instructions on how to get to a magical street where I could buy school supplies (it was called Diagon Alley), about how I would be sorted into a house by a magical hat and if I used my powers out of school time, I would get a warning from the Ministry of magic (the wizard government).
My mum’s grumpy, because she had put me down for Lyndon, where everyone else was going. As if! I was glad to find I never had to see any of the bullies from St George’s ever again. I’m small for my age. That’s why they picked on me. All the other girls didn’t try and make friends in fear that they’d be bullied too. I was the one on the outside. Break and lunch were torture. I hope I make friends at Hogwarts. Oh, no, now I’ve set myself off. What if they use spells on me? I better try and be tough, then.
Gryffindor of Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw sound like the best houses. I couldn’t bear being put in Slytherin. But maybe it’s not so bad. I wouldn’t anyway, because of my blood-status (fancy wizard language.) I’m a muggle-born. That means I was born from two non-magical people. I'm still really excited to leave!

Chapter index:
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter 6

Last edited by george is cool; 01-21-2012 at 08:17 AM. Reason: Updating index
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