Text Cut: awesome writer Allie O__O
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Adam gave Louisa a sheepish little smile when she agreed with his grandfather's comments. Before he had a chance to respond to Louisa's comment, Adam suddenly felt something press firmly down on the top of his foot. Feeling slightly alarmed Adam sat forward from his laid back position on the bench. Looking down at his foot he spotted Louisa's tabby Viola, turning to look at Louisa as she somewhat bemusedly told him to feel free to kick the cat off if he'd like. "Oh, she's alright," Adam said with a little shrug of the shoulders. "JB likes to think he's still the size of a puppy with the way he bounds around these days. He even tries to climb into my lap despite the fact that he's the same size as me," Adam said with a little chuckle. "I ...uh...left him with my grandpa. I figured he'd had more room to move about and such than he would be cooped up in the common room with me all the time. The doghouse helped, but...you know. It's not the same. He actually took quite a liking to my grandpa, so I think he'll enjoy the company."
When Louisa began discussing her summer plans Adam looked at her, making sure she knew she had his full attention. He was sure she could see his eyebrows furrowing when she mentioned that her plans were cancelled with Dallin. How odd...but then Louisa went on to say that she went to Dallin anyway to figure out what the problem was. He couldn't stop a small smirk from forming on his lips. How very Louisa of her. And then she got into details about why Dallin had cancelled. Oh. So Joao was one of those boyfriends wasn't he. If Adam wasn't careful he might try to do the same thing to Louisa and Adam's friendship.
"Well I'm glad you set him straight," Adam said with a small nod of the head. "I would hate to think that Joao would try to break up our friendship simply because I am a member of the opposite sex," Adam said, shifting his gaze back to the cat that was now asleep on his foot. Adam supposed that Lousia's victorious smile about setting Joao straight was a sign that she would never let that happen, but honestly who knew. That Joao character was quite the manipulator, and he was sure that he could spin something whatever way he wanted or needed to to make him look like the better person.
"My summer was great!" Adam said with a bright smile when Louisa asked. "My grandpa and I really got to know each other, and since he's a retired auror, he had a lot of tips and things to help me since that's the direction I want to head. Oh, and I completely forgot to mention that I got an O on my DADA OWL!" Adam said with another sheepish, but excited smile. He knew how much Louisa cared about her grades, so he was sure that she would appreciate that. Especially since his studying had majorly interfered with their hanging out time.
WHAT!? JBWASNOTCOMINGTOHOGWARTS? Louisa gasped a little bit dramatically at the news, "
Meanie Adam!" Poking the boy in the arm, "
How could you?! I wanted to see him! It's been months since I did." And Adam was describing him making Louisa more eager to see the dog, "
Aww. I'm going to invade your grandpa's house during Christmas." She smirked, giving him a smug-like look and uncrossing her legs. Heh. He'd been warned so..
Nodding her head at Adam, Louisa knew that the boy would react very cautiously to this news. He was afraid to hurt her feelings probably. However, Louisa kept her smirk on, "
He just needed a proof that I'm a trustworthy person. He's a good person inside, I know it and can feel it." Sort of. Maybe not always. Whatever. "
I'm sure he won't do it after I.." punched him, "
...told him to respect my friends." HEHEHE. SHOWED him rather than told him. Adam didn't have to know that, though.
When he said he got an Outstanding in his OWLs, though. Louisa's whole body jumped to life again as she sat straighter. "
That's great!" Putting a strand of hair behind her ear, "
Your grandpa must be really proud." And Adam was going to pursue an Auror career? Well, look who's ambitious! "
I think you'll do great as an Auror." He was nice and chivalrous enough to be one anyway. "
What about the rest of them?" Hmm?