Selina felt her head whirl as she side along apparated with her father. Everything was a blur and all she could see was an array of colors that made no coherent sense. Her head pounded as she felt her body contort in time and space. Finally, she felt everything even out and she could breath again. She doubled over so her head was between her legs as she stood so she could take a few deep breaths. It was so wonderful to be on land again and Selina usually loved the air. But apparation was something she was not too fond of, maybe she would condition it to herself when she was older, but right now she liked floo best.
Once she could breath again she stood up straight and stared at her father. She jokingly narrowed her eyes and said,
"Next time... we take the floo understand? That is just painful." And too much for her head.
Jake chuckled at his daughter and pat her on the head. Poor thing looked like she had been down to the underworld and back, but she was tough. Besides, this was nothing. They were only apparating within the UK. Whenever Jake went on tour with his team during the season they had to apparate long distances, which became not only a pain, but painful. "Oh suck it up, kiddo. I'm sure you'll be fine. Now where is this house that we are looking for?"
Selina smacked her Dad it the chest lightly and replied,
"Yeah okay, sure I'll be fine. When I get home Mum is going to have a fit when I tell her what you put me through!" She doubted that her mother would do that, but Sophie Skylar seemed to be the only person that Jake Skylar was somewhat frightened of. She was a fierce human being with a very quiet intimidating factor to her personality. She was all about saying little and bearing her eyes into one's soul. It was scary... Merlin help them all.
When he asked her where was the house they were supposed to be looking for Selina turned around and saw a beautiful, old Elizabethan house sitting on a lawn. It was so nice and a different change of pace from Whitley, which Selina always liked. She smiled and moved her toes around in her
shoes as she got comfortable on the land. Without a word she pointed to the house and then looked at her Dad. He did not say anything to her so she rolled her eyes and said,
"If I was a betting person I would assume the house we are looking for is the only house on this lawn, Da." "Don't get sassy with me, missy. I was simply asking you a question. Merlin, no need to get so defensive." Then he started to walk along side of her as they made their way toward this house. Trying to swallow his bias as best as he could Jake continued on, "So where is this mature boyfriend of yours?" Boyfriend. That word made him sick.