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AHA! They'd done it! Wooohooooo! Delilah opened her eyes and gazed around at the new environment. The traaaaaain, all the other students. It was just like how her mum had told her!
"Look, Gerald! Look at the TRAIN!" she beamed, jumping about "we're going to be on that soon!"
Clare followed her daughter through the barrier onto the platform. Honestly, there were first years acting more maturely than Delilah was right now. Asking if she had everything was unecessary; Clare'd checked three times before leaving the house.
And then Gerald was mentioned. The mother sighed. "Dee... You're fourteen... Your housemates will think you're childish... because of Gerald."
... Childish? CHILDISH?! Pah. That's ridiculous! "Why? Because you're convinced that he's not real?!" Honestly.
Delilah flicked her hair over her shoulder, and crossed her arms. "Gerald thinks you're mean. And so do I. I'm here now, anyway! Why are you? Why haven't you left yet?" She asked bluntly. "I mean... you can go now. I'll be fine on my own!" She COULD! There were LOTS of students that she could go and talk to, after all! Not... not that she would though. Because her mum was right, really. They'd think she was weird. Pfft. She wasn't. But she'd let people come to her. That is... if they wanted to. Yes. That's what she'd do.
Aurora glanced over her shoulder as she heard a girl being all excited about... something... probably the train - it was pretty exciting the first time. Her ears pricked up as she heard the girl's mother mention she was fourteen... Maybe Aurora should go and say hello... wouldn't do any harm to make friends... finally. Aurora was going to go up and say hello when the girl started talking about... Gerald? Who on Earth was Gerald..? This girl was probably insane... mad... crazy... off-her-rocker... whatever. But then... they were always more fun than sane people, right?
And far more likely to actually want to be friends... right? Right.
Aurora - to Sebastian's apparent discomfort - pushed her trolley over and smiled at the girl and her mother
urgh, what if she ended up a Hufflepuff..? All the Hufflepuffs were a little weird.. "Um, hi. Are you new?" she asked, not really quite sure where she was going with this.
"I can... help? If you want..."