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He smiled and felt better. "Thanks, Rose." he said smiling. "Oh really? Wow, thanks!" he said.
"WAIT!" a voice yelled from behind them. Ronnie threw her arms around Rose, Rupert standing behind her. "You can't leave without a goodbye!" she said. She lifted her hand to show that she was wearing the best friends ring Rose got her for Valentines day. "I'll owl you. EVERY DAY." she said smiling.
Rupert stood behind Ronnie, smiling. "See you, Rose." he said hugging her. "If you ever need anything, or someone to talk to, owl me. Okay?" he asked, kissing the top of her head.
'You're welcome!'
Then she was being hugged tightly by her best friend. 'No, I wa wondering whether you were coming!' Rose said, crying a bit now. Ugh. See, this was an achievement, Rose Deluise didn't cry easily. Rose held up her own hand to show her ring and grinned. 'You'd better, or I won't be happy!' Rose said seriously, hugging her again.
'Bye, Rupert!' she said, hugging him back. 'Yeah, I will...' she whispered, smiling. She then grabbed Logan's hand to lead him through, pushing her trolley with the other and smiling at the two Weasleys.
'Goodbye! Ronnie, you have to visit during the holidays!' Rose said, before pulling Logan through the wall before she got too upset and refused to leave.