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Old 12-23-2011, 07:55 PM   #12 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by Starbreeze View Post
"Is it Platform 3 9/4 or 93 1/4s?" Eino pondered as he looked around the train station, but there were no helpful signs. Ino didn't seem to know the answer either, but it's not like she heard the question. She was too busy trying to make herself comfortable in the carrier. "Oh dear... I seem to have forgotten." He said as he continued to walk around, searching for a familiar face to follow. He considered asking someone but he couldn't be sure of who was a muggle, so it was best not to risk him.
Roll roll roll roll... the girl dragging her trunk behind her pushed through people in suits to stand before THE wall. Viola, her tabby cat, was lazily walking closely by. "And now we-" she was saying when her eyes fell on a VERY familiar face yet an unfamiliar TALL boy. Squinting her eyes a bit at the white haired person, her mouth twitched into a small smile, "Eino!" Bump!rolling her trunk, rather excitedly, toward her housemate.

"Heeey!" She said hugging the boy with one arm. It was probably the first time they ever met at King's Cross. Seeing him outside Hogwarts was cool... it proved he wasn't a study robot. Maybe. However, the hug wasn't the most comfortable one, she frowned down to see what exactly poked her in the chest and-"A PREFECT BADGE?" That was for the whole world to hear. Grinning from ear to ear she continued to stare at it. It WAS a Prefect badge!
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