Hufflepuff Study Tables  Banner created by Lockhartian A large honey-colored wood table is set up to the far side of the room, the perfect place to study or even just leisure read. And should you find yourself lacking inspiration, portraits of several outstanding brains of former Hufflepuffs through the centuries line the walls in this area. These fine minds also bear the hallmark of those traditional of Hufflepuffs, including qualities of patience, a strong work ethic, and constancy.
Some of these portraits include Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, and even Zacharias Smith, flying on his broomstick. And of more modern Hufflepuffs, there are portraits of former prefects such as Savannah Mae, Nolan Reynolds, Leo Moretti, and then some outstanding quidditch plays of Evan Cassels scoring another goal on Slytherins and then Kita Lewis, snatching the snitch right from Ellie Stone's nose just last term!
Hufflepuffs may have that myth floating around that we're not clever, but that is a MYTH. Hufflepuffs are definitely though, the least boastful, the most modest, but have also produced just as many brilliant witches and wizards as any other house. In addition to those named above, there's also Grogan Stump, one of the most popular Ministers for Magic of all time, as were the successful Ministers Artemesia Lufkin and Dugald McPhail. Then there’s the world authority on magical creatures, Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded the Hogsmeade village.
But enough about former outstanding Hufflepuffs; I do hope some of you are willing to work hard and use these study tables wisely. After all, it's been thirteen years since we've had that elusive house cup. |