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Old 12-19-2011, 08:55 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Sorry it's short, but I promise more soon! Something very exciring is about to happen!

Chapter 9

That Wednesday, the worst had happened. As I was walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Tonks, we were running late I suppose. Let’s just say this, Tonks was having some trouble with her hair color (half of it was macaroni yellow, the other eggplant). So we decided to race there, for a bit of competition.

Well, when we finally got to the classroom, Tonks ran in right before me and pushed me aside, you know, as fun. As soon as she raced in, the bell rang. As I brushed myself off, I pushed the heavy door opened, and came face to face with Professor Ports. His sad black eyes stared at me with such irritation and hatred; I could’ve wet my pants. Of course, I didn’t.
He then said very calmly under his bushy black beard, “Gardner, detention. Saturday, 10:00 am, my office.”

At that happy note, I dragged my feet to my seat next to Tonks.

“Sorry about that Bandy. I shouldn’t have pushed you,” Tonks whispered to me as she pushed back her red hair.

“No worries,” I whispered back. Then I told her, “You know, I’m going to Hagrid’s on Friday. Want to come?”

She looked at me and nodded. “Sure.”

Finally, Defense Against the Dark Arts was over. As I jumped off my tall stool that I sat on to actually reach the desk, I heard Professor Ports’ voice behind me. “Nymphadora,” he was the only teacher who denied calling Tonks by her surname. “Would you stay after class please?”

I turned to Tonks, she looked stunned. As she walked over to him, she turned back, and I shrugged. What else was I supposed to tell her?

I waited outside for what seemed like hours, when she finally came out. “So,’ I questioned. “What did he say?”

But she wouldn’t talk to me, hardly even looked at me.

“Tonks?” I took by both arms and stared into her face. Her eyes were different. They were no longer cheery and excitable, but stern and stormy. She didn’t seem to notice I was there. Finally, I did the only thing I could think of.

I slapped her.

Okay, I know it sounds mean, but I did it. And luckily she came back. “Sorry Bandy,” she told me. “What were you saying?”

“What happened in there?” I asked her again.

“Nothing, he just gave me something.”

I was completely befuddled by this. “What? Can I see?”

“I’m sorry Bandy, but I really shouldn’t.”

I stared at her. “Why not?”

“Because it was given to me and so I should be the only one to see it.” Her roots began to turn blood red. That meant bad news.

Now she was starting to scare me a little. “Calm down, Tonks. You don’t have to tell me. Let’s just get to Charms before we’re late.”

“Yeah, okay.” She now seemed a bit confused, but we walked down together to Charms, and I kept my topic as far off as possible from Professor Ports.

Last edited by XenoLongbottom; 12-20-2011 at 09:00 PM.
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