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Old 12-19-2011, 04:07 PM
BanaBatGirl BanaBatGirl is offline
Exclamation Care of Magical Creatures Information

1. Respect. Respect the creatures. Respect your professor. Respect your classmates. Respect yourself. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated, especially if it is placing a creature or a person in danger.

2. Preparation. Be smart and be ready for class with all required materials. Some tips: You should probably always have a pair of dragonhide gloves on you at all times. Don't wear a frilly skirt if we're going to be flying on thestrals. If it's winter, wear a coat. Common sense stuff, you know.

3. Punctuality. When class starts, it STARTS. We always have a lot of material to cover and a lot of creatures to discover. If you're late, not only will you miss some awesome knowledge, but you'll also miss those 5 house points I'll take from ya. OOC NOTE: If you're not online when class starts, that's fine, but if you ANNOUNCE your arrival IC, you lose points. So just go with the flow and pretend your character has been there all along!

4. Behavior. All Hogwarts rules always apply. OOC: All SS Site Rules do too.

5. FUN!!!!!!! Have fun! Enjoy yourself! Enjoy the animals! Learn something new every day. Care of Magical Creatures is AWESOME.