Posting here for good measure. RL is a little hectic ATM |Who's On First? | Challenge Accepted.| | :Ink For Blood: | Team SUITS!| Quote:
Originally Posted by Granger1814 Ooooh boy. This wasn't exactly what she had planned when she had first set out to do this, but if this was what was going to get the job done....A list of spells rapidly ran through her head as she followed the two men, holding her wand high.
She glanced back at Eli as she did so, giving the woman an encouraging nod.
Let's do this. Elinor was just as calm as Esme appeared to be. It may have been some time since she did this kind of thing, but it didn't shake her. Hitching up the bag ovrer her shoulder once more, she led slightly with her right, nodding back just after her, and followed the two men in the front.
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