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Old 12-15-2011, 02:59 PM
Hera Hera is offline
Gryffindor Gryffindor House Rules & FAQ

Gryffindor House Rules and FAQs

Who do you need to know?

Head of House: Professor Seren Bentley (Hera)
House Moderator: Professor Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie )

Male Prefect: Louis Bolton (Gryffindoll)
Female Prefect: Alexa Cambridge (DaniDiNardo)
Quidditch Captain: -
House Ghost: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington


1. Students are to stay in their respective dormitory. No girls are allowed in the boys' dormitories, and no boys are allowed in the girls' dormitories. Offenders risk possible point loss, detention, or even expulsion. The common room and the study tables are for ALL students, so you may meet up with your house mates there.

2. PDA (Public Displays of Affection) is not allowed. Occasional, mild displays of affection will be tolerated, but anything else is against the rules will result in possible point loss, detention or even expulsion. Remember that you are here to learn, not to hold hands and kiss each other. See this section of the rules for more information. Also note that anyone caught role playing their character behaving inappropriately, will have to face the consequences of breaking that rule.

3. No drugs or alcohol are allowed in the role play. Butterbeer will be accepted in reasonable amounts. Any character caught with contraband risks points loss, detention, or expulsion. Likewise, anyone caught role playing their character as having drugs, alcohol, or any other item against the site rules risks having the consequences of breaking that rule.

4. Illegal activities, such as the discussion or action of downloading music or software, are not allowed.

5. Please restrict OOC (Out Of Character) messages to the subject title of your post or better yet please use the PM/VM system (Private Message/ Visitor Message). If you have to leave the role play for whatever reason, you can just have your character say goodbye and head to bed, or you can PM/VM the people you are role playing with to let them know you will be back later to continue.

6. Double posting (posting more than one time in a row) is NOT allowed, so please don’t do it. Learn to make use of the multi-quote function, and if you are uncertain on how it works, please contact a House leader.

7. Be part of the Gryffindor team and attend classes and complete homework. Every little bit counts! So get involved and help us fight to win the House Cup!

8. Most importantly, have fun! If you have any questions or comments, or if you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact a House leader for help.


1. Gryffindor isn't in first place in the house points race! Why is that and how can I help out?
House points are given to characters that attend classes, turn in homework, or do good deeds around the school. The best way to earn points for your house is to attend classes and do homework. You can check which classes are in session and what assignments are due in this thread.

2. I'm new to the role play! How do I get started and where do I go from here?
SnitchSeeker is full of friendly people that are more than willing to help new members find their way around the site and in the RPG. If you can't find someone to role play with, you can either PM or VM someone, or you can just jump right on in and have your character introduce himself or herself.

3. How do I choose a model for my character? How can I get graphics made for my character?
To choose a model for your character, just find an actress, actor, or other celebrity whose age and appearance closely matches the age and appearance of your character. If you'd like to get graphics made for your character, visit Madame Malkin's and request a set from one of our talented members.

4. How quickly does time pass in the role play and how do I know what time of year it is?
Each school year is what we call a term. So where students would usually go to school from September to June, our terms do not actually last a year. Each month in the role play is equivalent to two weeks in real life, so you’ll find that time flies fairly quickly for your characters. As each month passes an announcement will pop up with a yellow speaker icon indicating which month we are in. By clicking on this, it will then inform you on what the weather is like in the role play and you will be able to respond to it accordingly. After all you wouldn’t wear a skirt when it’s snowing.

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to PM (Personal Message) your Head of House, House Mod, Prefects or Captain, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.