'Cos I'm cool. ^___^
What would you like?: Avvie, Siggy and PP! Don't have to be matching!
What Size?: AV// 100X100 PP// UCHOOSE. SIG// 350X150-160
Text?: UCHOOSE. See 'Anything Extra'
[Only the first page plz ♥]
Anything Extra?: Well his name is Eden; Eden River Kirby. He's a fifth year Huffie [♥] and he's a transfer from Atland School of Enchantment in New Mexico. His family are extremely wealthy, but that makes no difference to him. We like colours, but not too bright. So I'm srs, take the biggest leap of faith with these. Because I don't mind if there's no text at all, honest. UCHOOSE♥
Feel free to reject me [while I'll be heartbroken and stuff, ICANDEALS], and I can find other pictures if you'd LIKEE. <3