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Old 12-13-2011, 03:55 AM   #36 (permalink)
Alexander Wrekin
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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The Revolutionary

Originally Posted by TSnitch View Post
She pouted a bit and said,"Careful, you might actually offend me. But I guess your reasoning is logical.", with a winning smile.

"It is my concern. You're my concern."she said as her smile faded,"Hence, you are not getting by me. In fact, it can get as ugly as you want, you're not passing me. So you come good Alexander."

She stood as calm as a cucumber and as steady as a brick, leveling him with a hazel eyed glare.
This was a SNOREFEST. Talking trash and yada yada. Using his given name in hopes of shaking him up a bit. All typical of Law Enforcement and definitely not concerning him.

"Ought to have placed your concern elsewhere," he said mildly. With a flick of his wand he sent a huge stream of fire bursting through the corridor toward the woman and then blasted at the ceiling. Confringo it was. Flicking a shield around himself he merely smirked and waited. He could play a little until he got bored.
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