Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna Gavin followed Ryan closely, relying on the older man's knowledge of the area since it was simply a maze to him. As they moved further and further into the area, the charms worker heart was beating a little faster as his adrenaline started pumping. He was beginning to get feeling that they had to be careful for anything that might happen soon and so his hand slipped into his robe pocket where his wand lay gripping it securly. No sense in being caught unaware.
When they reached the stairwell it appeared they were going to head back Level 9? Thats what it seemed as when Ryan finally spoke again breaking the silence it was confirmed they were now back on Level 9. He simply nodded about to answer his partner when he too spotted the other man who clearly seemed to be up to no good with a dog...human...animangus around as well. It was then he quickly slipped his wand out, mirroring Ryan's actions with his wand raised blocking the way they had come.
Their actions however were only to be rewarded by the original man apparating away. " close but no way of knowing where he went."
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