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Bazinga Minerva smiled at her. "Ronnie can I be honest with you?" could she really be honest with.. Ronnie. "I know what your going through. I have had the same problem. Dating one person while well liking another. If you want me to do it I could, but I think it would be better coming from you. If you want to keep a friendship which I think Harvey would want to it is better if you talk with him. Be honest tell him you don't know how you feel, but you don't think you can stay with him."
Ronnie nodded and listened. She then nodded again.
"Yeah..." she said.
"Okay." she said.
"I-I'll go do...do it." she said, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Thanks, Minnie. Just for always being there for me. You're such a great friend." she said smiling. Then she sighed.
"Wish me luck, then. See you." she said running off to find Harvey.