1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me!
For the next hour or so Prof. Snape continued to provoke Justin's rage .
Over and over Snape would be tossed about his office as Justin tried to learn
how to control his unusual powers. Frustrated as Justin was he continued to
allow his anger to boil over. No matter how hard he tried provocation enraged
him. Finally a battered Snape sat down out of breathe as the last blow Justin
gave him nearly rendered him unconscious.
" Mr. Wellheart, you do understand that you must look inside yourself for the
strength to harness your anger. To not inflict serious or even remote injury
to your fellow students and teachers. I will be the only Professor working
with you due to the injuries you inflicted upon his alleged harressment. Today
was a freebie, Mr. Wellheart. I shall not stand here again and allow you to
toss me about... Next time I will defend myself." said Snape in his deep drawn
out condescending tone. " I ...suggest you think about what or how you're
going to approach our next session. "
Justin looked up at Prof. Snape with an expression of shame. he didn't like
hurting people. He didn't understand why he wasn't able to control his anger.
Maybe there was spell or charm that could help him. Something he could do
every day that would allow him to attend regular classes without incident. it
was unlikely that he would find something like that to help. As he thought of
all of that Snape was still droning on about whatever it was that he was
saying. Then Snape was finished talking and asking Justin if he understood.
Justin nodded that he did and the sesion ended with Prof. Snape adding, "
You best come prepared tomorrow , Mr. Wellheart."
" Yes, Sir . I will try my best. Thankyou for your help, Professor. " answered
Justin as he walked out of Snape's office and headed for the Ravenclaw
commonroom. He was exhausted, but also hoped to see one of his friends.
As he climbed the staircase it began to move' Oh great! ' he thought. He
stood there on that staircase thinking about roberta and how her smile could
light up a room no matter how dark it was. Just as he thought of her the
staircase moved again and there she was with that enchanting smile of hers.
Last edited by Droo; 12-26-2011 at 10:41 PM.