Just some Oscar-tracking thoughts: Harry Potter's biggest competition is Hugo and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I think though that with Harry Potter's traditional effects (non-CGI) they have a chance of winning. Almost every scene in harry Potter has a diverse array of visual effects used. What would help HP in winning is a lot of the competition have similar settings used, (Hugo, Sherlock, Pirates; Super 8, Transformers, Rise) but HP isn't safe from that since it also has similarities to others. The very best bet of HP is its role in reviving(?)/ making the Brit a powerful special effects company(?) in the industry. Similar to what LotR did for the Australian/New Zealand effects guys.
I'm saving all these Consider images as this is the most I've seen of them and it IS the FINALE! After the Oscar's we'll only have Pottermore to mull over.