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Old 12-10-2011, 05:35 AM
Droo Droo is offline
Slytherin Slytherin Notice Board

In the corner of the Slytherin Common Room stands a tall cork bulletin board. Any parchment that touched the cork is magically affixed on it by the self sticking charm it posesses. Here is where you may post class announcements, homework or anything else you think the great house of Salazar Slytherin would do well knowing. And remember...

We're Slytherin, told it's a sin
A House no-one worthwhile's in.
What dung, what rot, what utter tripe
A rather silly stereotype.

Slytherin's for those with brains--
Yet not ashamed to work for gain
Slytherin's for those quite brave
But not to the point of an early grave.

One learns quick and well in Slytherin
How to thrive and how to win.
We're clever, ambitious and maybe mean--
But hey, we get to dress in green.

Cross us and get curse-whacked
A snake never gets side-tracked
We're Slytherin, it's all the rage
Don't stick us in your 'good kid' cage.

You'll think of us as model tykes
But prone to lies, and quick to bite
Let everyone else mutter and glare
We're Slytherins, so we don't care.

Now let's be frank; Slytherin rules
We're the rebel house, the house of cool
Trust only those who are already in,
Too bad all houses aren't Slytherin.
~By Dien Alcyone