SPOILER!!: Minnie
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"Oh I'm sorry. My mom is the wizard in the family. I didn't even know she was one until I started showing signs of it. Dad is a muggle. She was on vacation when she met him and has lived as a muggle ever since."
While Alyssa was waiting for the elf baby to notice her stuffed toy, she noticed Jasper and Minnie talking. She liked both of them and even though they seemed to be having an innocent enough conversation, she started thinking about Caroline and what she would be thinking if she saw her boyfriend talking with another girl. So she decided to "accidentally" remind him that he had a girlfriend.
Alyssa whispered as loud but not too loud that it would frighten the creature under the table. "
Sorry to interrupt you guys but I was wondering. Jasper, have you seen Caroline lately? She came over here earlier but she didn't look too great. Her face was pale and she looked tired. I'm worred about her. I would go look for her but as you can see I'm still trying to coax the baby house elf out. I hope that she's not sick or something. Oh Merlin! I hope that she's not passed out somewhere." Alyssa started to worry about her friend.