Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God 64. Nap Sixth Floor Amy sat down in the Great Hall, head in arms, utterly depressed because of exam revision and more to the point, falling asleep, napping on her books. And because Sammy and Everett were her BESTBUDS they thought now she was snoozing was the best time to bully her. Sammy ran to her common room and returned a minute later with pens.
Two minutes later, Amy still sleeping had a moustache, mono brow and had “I’M STUPID” written on her forehead. Giggling, the two students sneaked off, leaving her at the table, still snoozing on top of her book
Last edited by city_girl_95; 12-16-2011 at 04:45 PM.