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Old 12-07-2011, 10:46 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Oceanic Flight 815
Posts: 558

Hope you guys like it! :sam:

Chapter 8

That night things went swimmingly. Professor Dumbledore told us all the rules of the school. I couldn’t understand why we weren’t aloud in the Forbidden Forest (besides, you know, the name) because I was always taught that forest were so great.

Well, finally we had finished the feast, and we headed to the dormitories for the night. Unlike most of the houses, we didn’t have to walk far. Our common room was right by the kitchens, and the prefect explained to us how to get in and out. After saying the password, (house-elves), we walked into a round and earthy room. I smiled. It reminded me of a hobbit-hole. I felt at home.

Immediately up the stairs to the boys dorms and I wrote a letter to both my dad and Rosie. A promise is a promise. I told them about the sorting (minus the hat) and Charlie and Tonks and all the other people I met. I felt bad having to lie to Rosie, but I had to keep me being a wizard secret, or else she’d go blabbing.

I then called for Gwaihir, and I tied the letters to his leg, and he flew out the window into the sky.

Feeling good about this, I crawled into bed. It was a four-poster with yellow and black hangings. The four other boys in my dorm, Tong-u, Peter, Adam, and Rufus soon joined me. As soon as I rolled over in my new bed, I fell asleep.

That morning I woke up, got into my new uniform, and went downstairs to find Tonks waiting. Her hair was yellow. “What’s with the hair change?” I asked.

“I decided I’m going to have a different hair color for each environment. In the common room it’ll be yellow, when I’m in the great Hall it’ll be blue, and the rest I’ll leave myself to choose from.”

I smiled. “Interesting,” I answered. We laughed and began to walk down to the Great Hall. As we walked, I began to realize how confusing this castle was and how everyone was probably going to trample on me at some point.

When we had gotten to the Great Hall, I went over to the Gryffindor table to say hi to Charlie. He was talking to his older brother Bill. I smiled. “Hey Charlie.”

He looked up. “Hey Bandy,” he replied.
Bill smiled at me too. “Good to know my brother has made a friend. I’m Bill. We haven’t officially met yet.” He gave me his hand and I shook it. “Now, if you need any help, just call me, you got it Bandy.”
“Got it,” I answered. “Thanks Bill.”

“No prob,” Bill said. “Well, better get to Transfiguration. See you guys!”

We waved good-bye to him, and I talked to Charlie for a bit. He was real excited and nervous about the first day of school. Agreeing with these comments, I finally told him I should probably eat breakfast on my first day and that I’d see him around.

When I got back to the Hufflepuff table, I grabbed a piece of toast and sat down with Tonks to talk for a bit. Her hair was blue again, and after breakfast was over we headed to our first lessons at Hogwarts.

Transfiguration, Tonks was violet. It looked rather nice I must admit. Professor McGonagall was very stern but she treated us fairly. And the Hufflepuffs shared that class with the Gryffindors, which made it great because that meant I could spend more time with Charlie. Also, that was the class that I was able to make Tonks and Charlie friends.

Potions was the opposite though. Professor Snape just seemed to hate all of us. Tonks’ hair was green.

The worst; Defense Against the Dark Arts. I always dreaded that class. Not that I hate the subject, it was the teacher! Professor Ports was a very old and bitter man. He would give us all dirty looks, but he absolutely hated me the most. He was rather short for a man, with black hair in a ponytail and sad black eyes to match. Many students said that he and Snape would make the best of friends, but they seemed to hate each other too. Professor Ports enjoyed his solitude.

Charms was most fun. Professor Flitwick was so good to us. He would always tell me, “Hufflepuff has stolen a great student from the hands of Ravenclaw.” I would always smile at this, and Tonks enjoyed him too. We actually accomplished something in that class. I had mentioned my problem with reaching the table, and he told me there would be a tall stool waiting for me at the Hufflepuff table. I would see the Slytherins in that class, which meant seeing Jen. She was really a nice girl, and I would try to mention Charlie as much as possible, but she would always change the subject. Tonks’ hair was orange.

And then, Herbology. Professor Sprout was a new teacher, and she was also the Head of Hufflepuff house. She would dote on us a great deal. She would always give us extra house points and she would always let us get off easy. During Herbology with the Ravenclaws, I would work with Tonks on my left with her brown hair and Heather Finnigan on my right. She seemed so nice to me, and she was the only Ravenclaw that I had talked to. She didn’t seem to care that I was short with hairy feet. That’s a characteristic I admire.

History of Magic with Professor Binns was just really… interesting! Most people hate it and fall asleep, but I just adore it! I grew up reading history books as dry as unbuttered toast, so this was even more interesting than I could imagine. In this class Tonks’ hair was white, as to look like Professor Binns, who was a ghost.

All of my classes I had about three times a week, which could sometimes be enjoyable, and others a pain. But that first day I only had Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, and History of Magic.

The weeks would go by, and after every day I was well-out pooped. Each night I would just want to go back to the small cave in the mountains, and just rest my eyes while being able to hear a pin drop.

But, alas, the common room was no place for peace and quiet. Many children of wizards were running about with Fanged Frisbees and Fireworks and what not. I had to get away!

I always would take a walk. Anywhere I could find really. One cool Monday in mid-October, I had decided to go up to the Owlery. But I would not know where it was if it wasn’t for Bill. Bill was such a sweet character. But his friends though, oh don’t get me started! They were so rude, and whenever Bill wasn’t around they would pick on Charlie. I would see it constantly from the other side of the Great Hall, and would always irk me.

Anyway, sorry to rant off there. So, I headed up to the Owlery. And I was to find Gwaihir in a nearby window waiting patiently for me to arrive. He knew I would come every day, or he would be called. For everyday I would have to send a letter to both Rosie and Dad. So far, I had been able to keep my lineage secret from Rosie, but I felt soon she would catch on. She might be small and stubborn, but at chances she could be intelligent.

As I walked up the spiral staircase passed all the sleeping owls and their pellets, I looked out the window, and noticed something I hadn’t before. You might not know this, but Hobbits have very keen eye sights. Of course, not as good as elves; but still okay. I had noticed that on a few mountains away, I could see some little figures running around on a cliff from a cave. I couldn’t tell much, but I knew that they all had curly hair, and they were all either wearing skirts or breeches. Hobbits! My hobbit clan was only a few mountains from Hogwarts!

I immediately took out a quill form my robe pocket, and scribbled the fact on the bottom of the two letters I was sending. That would probably explain why Gwaihir would always come back so fast with letters. For Charlie and Tonks it took weeks.

After I had sent Gwaihir off with a pat on the beak and an owl treat, I went back down the Owlery stairs to the only other quiet place in the castle; the library.

As I got there, I discovered Charlie, who was sitting at a table, pouring over a Potions essay. I smiled at him, and sat down on top of the table so I could look at him without needing to look up.

“Hey,” I whispered.

He looked up. “Hey.” He paused. “Did you know that Snape is evil?”

I smiled. “What did he assign this time to you guys?”

Snape had always given the Gryffindors a harder time than the rest of us. He really seemed to hate them. I couldn’t understand why though. I mean, students are students right?

“A three foot essay on bezoars. What the heck even is a bezoar?”

I stared at him in confusion. “I have no idea.”

He made a kind of strange, frustrated noise out of his throat and shut the book. He then looked up behind me, and suddenly got a spontaneous tenderness in his eyes. I turned around to see what he was looking at, and noticed Jen studying the corner with a bunch of other Slytherins. When he noticed I was looking, he picked up a large Herbology book and began to read it. But his eyes were not moving back and forth like any normal reader.

At that point I had caught up with what was going on. I may have grown up in the middle of nowhere, but I knew my stuff. So I whispered to him, “Have you talked to Jen lately?”

He looked up, in surprise. “NO. Why would you say that?” He said this rather fast.

I smiled. I finally mentioned, “Well, it’s no secret Charlie, that, umm… you like her.”

Charlie then did a quite bad acting job of scoffing. “Don’t be ridiculous. Why would I like a Slytherin?”

I then stared at him in confusion. “What’s so bad with being a Slytherin?” I asked him innocently.

He then stared at me like I was san idiot. “Slytherins are Slytherins! And Gryffindors are Gryffindors! They’re different!”

“So?” I said. “Differences are good.” I then thought of my parents.

“YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND BANDY! YOU JUST… don’t.” He then went silent, and he looked sheepish. “I’m sorry Bandy. I didn’t mean that. I really didn’t. Could we just switch the conversation?”

I was hurt, but I could understand Charlie’s point of view. It might not have been right, but it made sense. Finally, I answered, “Sure Charlie.
What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, I’m going to Hagrid’s this Saturday. Want to come?”

I smiled nervously. Even though I knew Hagrid was nice, I also knew he was rather clumsy. That’s what made him terrifying to me. But glad that Charlie was smiling again, I said “Sure Charlie. That sounds like fun.”

So, we headed together out of the library together (under the watchful eye of Madam Pince the librarian), and walked to our separate common rooms, ready for another day of school.
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