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Old 08-18-2011, 07:32 AM
TeafortheSoul TeafortheSoul is offline
Default The Charms Office

Next to the Charms Classroom you will find Professor Schirmer's Office. The office is cozy and bright with a small private library on a mezzanine floor overlooking the office itself. It is all done in warm wood and the window has a lovely view of the grounds. There are several photographs on her desk and hanging on the walls, including her sister and nephews.

To get up to the mezzanine library, there is a sturdy iron ladder built into the inside balcony. Professor Schirmer can often be found up here with her books, and if you are invited you may take a look at the books up here too.

SPOILER!!: The Charmed Bookshelf

Achievements in Charming
Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science
An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms
An Introduction to Magical Metallurgy
An Investigation into Experimental Charms
Cast-a-Spell handbook
Charm Your Own Cheese
A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions
Confronting the Faceless
Curses and Counter-Curses
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
Defensive Magical Theory
The Dueler's Art
Easy Spells to Fool Muggles
Egyptian Origins: Magic of the Ancients
The Elements of Magic
Enchantment in Baking
Extraordinary Trials in History
Extreme Incantations
A Fully Illustrated History of the Flying Carpet
Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century
Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century
A Guide to Medieval Sorcery
The Healer's Helpmate
A History of Magic
Hogwarts: A History
How Not To Blow Off Your Fingers On The First Day
Illegal Compendium 198
Important Modern Magical Discoveries
The Invisible Book of Invisibility
Legislative Guide to the Proper Use of Magic
Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks
Magical Extrusion Charms
Magical Misdemeanors in the Modern Law
Magical Moral Perspective
Magical Studies
Magical Theory
The Metal Charmer's Guide to Alloy Enchantments
The Metal Charmer's Guide to Base Metal Bewitchments
The Metal Charmer's Guide to Bespelling Ferrous Metals
The Metal Charmer's Guide to Charming Noble Metals
Metal Charming, A Study
Modern Magical History
Muggles Who Notice
Notable Magical Names of Our Time
Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes
One Minute Feasts - It's Magic!
Pokery & Hocus Pocus
Powers You Never Knew You Had and What To Do With Them Now You've Wised Up
Practical Household Magic
Quintessence: A Quest
Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts
Self-Defensive Spellwork
Sites of Historical Sorcery
Spell potions
Spellman's Syllabary
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 2
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 3
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 4
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 5
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 6
The Standard Book of Spells Grade 7
A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry
A Study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter
Thaum Theory

Professor Schirmer does not encourage social visits. She prefers students to make appointments via her magical mailbox. While you may post knocking on the door if you don't have an appointment please be aware that the professor is usually busy and would prefer you to leave a note for her unless you have been invited or if it is an urgent matter. If you are waiting to see the professor, please do so out in the corridor. She will call you in when she is ready for you, as long as you have an appointment.

Please note, I'm still tweaking how I run my office and there's a bit of an amendment to last term! You do not HAVE to make an appointment via the mailbox but please be aware that the professor isn't likely to appreciate someone dropping by without good reason. If your character just wants to say hi or introduce themselves, they should leave a note or say hello to her when she's around and about rather than popping in. It is my intention that Professor Schirmer won't be stuck in her office 24/7. If you have a personal plot which requires your charrie to visit with Professor Schirmer, feel free to PM me about it, or simply drop a note in the mailbox (In character) to make an appointment or have made clear your intention to speak with her.