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"not you guys, THEM" she said pointing past their shoulders. She let out a sigh of relief as Jez was able to see what he could. It wasnt their appearances that shocked her the most. It was what the represented. The two people that haunted her dreams only a few hours before. In her dreams, she was the killer. And now, they've come back to haunt her.
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Nate whirled around and looked. Oh. Them. he thought. Thinking more about it, though, Nate realized there was deeper meaning to these figures before them. "Pam, what do they mean?" he said, sounding more frantic than he had wanted to.
He scanned over the two ghastly figures again. They looked like corpses, but why were they dead? Were they killed? Nate gasped out loud. Were we killed by Pam?
Jez was speechless with rage. She would never wear a dress!!! But her anger subsided when she looked closer at the figures. Were they ... "Are we dead?" she asked bluntly. "Did you kill us off, Pam?" 'Cos seriously, they looked scarily like corpses ... but Jez didn't like to admit she was scared. So she hid it behind either a smile or bluntness. This time it was the second option. "How do we get rid of them?" she asked, not really expecting an answer. She pointed her wand at her other self. "Everte Statum!" It did nothing. "Confringo! Bombarda! Pertrificus Totalus!" Jez shouted all the spells she knew, but none made any difference.