Originally Posted by
Jezabel Black
Jez smiled. "Everte Statum, the hurling hex. It sends an opponent hurling backwards, like this." Jez pointed her wand over Nate's shoulder at a sneaking dummy. "Everte Statum!" The dummy flew backwards and slammed into the wall. "You try," she said pointing at herself. "Let's see if it works as well on a human subject." Jez was like a Muggle scientist - always ready to test a theory. Exhibit A: the Hate Potion.
Originally Posted by
Pam watched as Nate and Jez tried out a new spell. Suddenly she saw a flash of green on Jez's body. Suddenly she was reminded of her dream. The whole reason she was here. She closed her eyes and tried to get the picture of them out of her mind. But when she opened them again, a very pale version of Jez and Nate came floating towards her. They were holding hands, while their other hands were outstreached towards Pam. They were wearing the same thing in her dream. As they came towards her, they repeated, "You did this, you did this."
Pam backed up to the corner, dropped her wand, and held her hands up against her head. She heard a shriek, and soon realized it was her voice. She was the one shrieking, she was the one who did all of this.
Nate listened intently to Jez's lesson. After all, this spell could save his life one day. "Try on you? Alright..." Nate said. He was hesitant to go throwing Jez around the Room of Requirement. The floor and walls were stone. Still, he trusted her, so he raised his wand. "Everte--" A shriek cut him off.
His head snapped over to face Pam, who seemed to be having a sort of schizophrenic fit. "Pam!" he called, running over to her. More dummies we still following, and he blasted them back as he made his way over to Pam. "Pam, what is it?!"