Originally Posted by
Alexander Wrekin Alex hoped he wasn't late or anything... he had gotten the message and headed straight for the Min... What the hell was this mess? Human chain outside of the MoM? GREAT. Scowling heavily Alex moved a bit closer looking for a weak link. Heh. Or a spot he could make it through...
What's a Cultist doing at the Picket Line? For that matter, what's he doing at the Ministry? What is this message he received about?
Too many questions, not enough answers
Originally Posted by
Ennis Provel Ennis slithered over to the entrance to the Ministry of Magic. There was much to do, much to do indeed. He was so preoccupied by planning out his plans for the day that he did not notice the mob of Anti-Borr demonstrators outside the Ministry. It was not until he hit a barrier in the crowd that he paused. What were all of these ungrateful wizards doing blocking the way to their higher calling? The Ministry of Magic was a place of superior wizard assembly. These people should be crawling on the knees to enter such an institution.
He had to get through the crowd. Too many people.... He could not be late!!!
And Wrekin brought a friend with him ... how lovely. Let's hope more don't join the tea party.