½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Directing her stream of water over the flames, almost as if directing an orhestra, Bentley focused on the task at hand, though her ears picked up on everything Josh had said. Well of course he hadn't started the fire, sure he was a seventh year, but it would take some powerful magic get into her shed in the first place. How it caught fire though... well that was a mystery. "I believe you," she said over the hissing sound of water coming into contact with fire. Ghastly elements they were. First, water floods her precious greenhouse, next fire burns down her shed. How delightful... not.
Her little helpers Presley and Alyssa were doing an alright job at helping out, their magic was developing quite well, even if their use of the spell didn't have quite the same effect as hers. "Right...." she mused as she watched the last few embers die down.
The fire may have stopped, but the smoke was still thick. In a sweeping motion, she doused what was left of the structure again, just to be on the safe side. "Thank you all for your efforts," she said non-verbally ending her spell and letting her wand arm fall to her side. "... I really appreciate it."
That, she did. And they would be rewarded for their efforts. It was the least she could do...
Staring at the burned out structure, Seren gripped her wand tightly, she was shaking slightly now. Honestly! WHO had it out for her? This was beyond ridiculous. Ok, sure... there had been more than one snow creature to deal with, and it wasn't only her that was effected, but now this as well. Surely she was being targetted!
As to who it could have been... well that was another mystery. The only thing that she was certain about was that it could not have been a student.
Why her? Why?
It was difficult for her to not fall apart, fighting back the tears proved to be challenging, especially considering how many hours of work went into her research. All... gone.
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