Thread: School Issues
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Old 11-21-2004, 05:45 PM   #55 (permalink)

Retired Headmaster
Hippogriff Happy
Loved by Kris & Touz
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,228

HM Hendrik entered his office through a secret passage from behind one of the paintings on the south wall. There had been several students waiting for his return, he could tell. There was a note on his desk...
To: Headmaster Hendrick
From: Chris J.

WARNING: This envelope is spell-bound and will open only to the person who it is addressed to. If anyone else (other than Headmaster Hendrick) touches it, your hair and eye color will change to super hot neon pink! You have be fore-warned.

He grinned as he opened the note. His eyes narrowed to small slits as he read the letter.

"Hmmmm...this is interesting, very interesting..."

He quickly walked over to a small pane of glass hanging by the entrance to his office and tapped it three times with his wand. The faces of thoses who had been in his office waiting for him quickly flashed across the mirror like surface.

"Jaren....Slytherin he looked quite concerned. I think a messenger spell is in order."

HM Hendrik closed his eyes and thought to himself, "...Jaren, you have been to my office and needed my assistance, please return at your earliest conveinence...."

He waived his wand in the air and a small bird shaped wisp of mist burst forth and raced down the halls of the castle to find its recipient.

Graphics made by: *JoshMoonson*

Last edited by Hendrik; 11-21-2004 at 05:49 PM.
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