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Thinking fast, Nate shouted, "Accio water balloons!" and about half of the pile followed him over to his post behind some downed dummies. His summoning charm backfired, though: the balloons didn't stop slowly and peacefully as he had expected, but instead smashed into Nate, soaking him further. As he finished shivering, he aimed his wand carefully at the remaining balloons. "Diffindo!"
Jez managed to salvage two or three water balloons before the Severing Charm sliced the rest of them or she got cut herself. She dived behind some dummies and placed the water balloons on the ground. "Wingardium Leviosa!" she cried, sending the balloons shooting towards Nate like little red, yellow and blue rockets. She aimed the red and yellow balloons at his chest and stomach, but the blue one she let hover above his head. Finally ... "Bombarda!" yelled Jez, and the blue balloon exploded water over Nate. "Ha!" laughed Jez. "Beat that!"