Hey Everyone, so sorry this is so overdue!! I had a writers block for a little while, but I am fine now and I have come up with this, and have decided to post this today on my special day, to make this chapter even more special
. Hope you like it! Please keep the comments coming! 
Guys meet Gina!
Chapter 3: Jealousy!
Soon they all arrived at Hogwarts, Roger and Emma seemed to hang out with each other a lot, which meant Dean would have to make some excuse and leave as he could not watch them being luvvey-duvvey with each other. Roger would seem to find them wherever they were, Dean would always want to some alone time with Emma but somehow Roger always managed to find them, resulting in Dean’s rubbish excuse and leaving. When he was not around Emma he would be pining a lot for her, soon a girl his age noticed him. He knew this girl, she was a Gryffindor, her name was Gina. Since he couldn’t hang out with Emma much he had become lonely, so when Gina came along he instantly became friends with her. Soon Dean and Gina had become quite close, and Gina had noticed him looking at Emma on several occasions. She was not happy of this as she had secretly come to like Dean, like him more than a friend would. Since Dean was always looking at the girl and Gina liked him she thought she would ask who she was and find out what the deal was.
Hey Dean, I wanted to ask you. What is the deal with you and THAT girl? Who is she?" She asked him, gesturing towards Emma
THAT girl is called Emma, and she is my best friend" He told Gina. Gina was now very confused
If she is your best friend why is she not hanging out with you?" She asked not liking this Emma already
Well she has that boyfriend of hers and whenever we hang out he seems to find us." He said looking over at Emma and Roger.
When Gina saw that Dean was looking at them as usual, she looked behind Dean and smiled cunningly."
So why don’t you tell that Roger that you want to hang out with Emma?" she said to Dean who was now looking at her
No I couldn’t do that, she wouldn’t be happy that I did that, and I cannot have that!" he said looking at Emma again. Gina saw that Dean was looking over at Emma again and gave a slight nod to someone who was behind him. Dean realised what he was doing and looked back over to Gina and giving a small smile, just then someone pushed Gina and she was falling but Dean caught her in time. So he had caught her and was holding her in mid-fall and they were looking at each other!
Are you alright?" Dean asked her concerned
I am now that you are here with me" Gina said lustfully
What?" Dean was now confused
You have beautiful eyes Dean, I never noticed them before. They are more beautiful than mine." Gina said gazing into his eyes, she had talked about her eyes on purpose so that Dean would notice hers. He looks into her eyes, and gets lost in them briefly. Soon he realises what he is doing and shakes his head. He then proceeds to pull her up slowly but she purposely falls into him and he has to hold her again. As he stabilises her he looks into her eyes again, and this is where Gina sees her opportunity and takes it, she kisses him! Dean is shocked at first but then kisses her back, everyone around them start whooping. Emma and Roger hear this and look over to see Dean and Gina kissing
Oh! since when have they been going out? He didnt mention anything to me, did he tell you babes?" Roger asks Emma. Emma is not happy to see Dean and Gina kissing.
Is Dean going out with that girl? Thought Emma Why didn’t he tell me if he was? Yes I agree that we haven’t spent as much time as we used to, but have we become THAT distant now, that he doesn’t tell me everything that happens with him? What is this new feeling that has come over me? Could it be that I am jealous? Why am I feeling jealous? There is nothing to be jealous about. I have Roger, and he is allowed to have a girlfriend. It’s not like Dean I were a couple, we were just friends. So why am I feeling jealous that he has a girlfriend and hurt that he didn’t tell me about her even if he did!
No he didnt tell me anything either" Emma says now jealous, confused and hurt. Dean and Gina stop kissing
What was that for?" Asks Dean confused as to why she had kissed him.
What do you mean?" Gina asks now confused as to why he was asking such a question when they obviously liked each other.
Well why did you kiss me?" Dean asks Gina, concerned and confused
I like you thats why." She replies to his question
As a friend or more?" Dean now wanting to know where this was going.
Where is this going? Do I like Gina? She is a good girl, but I dont know if I like her the way I like Emma. he thought to himself.
Well we just kissed what do you think." She says with attitude. "
Anyways you kissed me back!" she was now wondering why he was asking these questions.
Yeah I am sorry I don’t what got into me. Says Dean shaking his head
I tell you what got into you, I am into you" she said moving in closer and holding his face and you like me back that is why you kissed me. Gina was now wondering whether she had made a mistake in kissing him, but he had kissed her back as well, so there WAS something there.
I don’t know if I like you back" said Dean glumly he didn’t want to lead Gina on and then end up breaking her heart. She had been a very good friend lately during his sad times. He took his face out of her hands.
Of course you do otherwise why would you kiss me? You only kiss the people that you love that way. That kiss had feeling in it, that is why I am telling you that you like me. The kiss told me so!" Gina said to him, now concerned.
Dean looked at her and then at Emma, who was now talking to Roger again, she didn’t wish to see another kiss, which is why she had looked away. He then looked back at Gina, who was now looking quite confused
Gina, look you have been a fantastic friend these past months as you helped me through my loneliness." He again looked at Emma But the truth is that I like her the way you like me he said gesturing towards Emma and then looking at Gina. "
I am sorry that I kissed you back, I shouldn’t have done that. I only like you as a friend nothing more."
Gina had moved away a bit as he said this. She was not happy, she looked at Emma
Emma!!! While Dean still cares for you he will never be mine fully the way I want him to be. Now the only way I am going to get Dean is to get rid of you. Gina thought.
End of Chapter 3
Hey guys lemme know what you thought of this chapter!
