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As they continued into the castle, through the crowds of people and then up the staircase--all the way up to the seventh floor--Ruby was quite relieved when Brae stopped for a breather. She was simply our of breath. But she didn't get to relax for that long because she was led to--the Room of Requirement. Of course. Where else could you watch movies in a magical castle?
As he walked in front of it three times and then stepped inside, Ruby had to admit she was quite impressed with her Goofball. So he had a partly functional brain after all. She looked around at the huge TV screen--she didn't know they could get that big, Muggles these days--and then her eyes roamed the candy-filled bars and a popcorn machine in the corner. Not only that, but the room had a homey feel to it--was she imagining it or did the room seem a lot similar to their common room?
Taking it all in, she finally turned to the 'owner' of the room. "Wow. I--I'm impressed, Brae," She said with a grin as she plopped down on the couch and enjoying the warmth of the fire though it was pretty warm outside. Glancing at the TV again, she asked, "So what movie are we watching?" Not to mention she was starving and that popcorn looked really buttery and delicious right now.
Who knew Goofball could whip up something this good?
As Ruby walked inside and examined the room, Braeden was over at the popcorn machine filling up an enormous bowl with a mountain of popcorn and butter. How this boy wasn't fat remained a mystery.
"I know, so am I. After all these years, it still surprises me," replied Braeden to Ruby's amazement. Of course, the Gryffindork thought she was impressed not by what his mind was able to conjure up, but by the room's ability to transform itself into anything anyone wanted.
Once the bowl in his hands was filled up to the rim, Braeden walked back over to the sitting area and plopped down on the couch beside Ruby, handing her the bowl. As the girl asked what movie they were watching, the Gryffindork pulled his backpack off his shoulder and began rummaging through it. A moment later, he'd pulled out a hand-sized shiny disc. Yes, that's right. Braeden carried around DVDs in his backpack. Just 'cause he always took movie breaks between classes. He usually conjured up this room and watched movies here where no one could bother him. Sometimes he'd even write. After all, the boy was an aspiring script-writer and film director. But most people tended to forget the goofball had dreams and aspirations too.
"Today, we're watching Donnie Darko," he announced with a large grin. "One of my favourites. A classic, too," he shared. "Have you ever heard of it?" Of course, everyone in the muggle world had; but Ruby was a Halfblood, so Brae wasn't sure.