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Old 11-23-2011, 09:52 PM   #64 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Default Hehehehe HEY THERE!! :D
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
The need to get out of the office was overwhelming, so Roxi decided to go on a little walk around the Ministry. It was an odd choice, certainly, but she wanted to familiarize herself with the building. Just in case there was a fire that couldn't be put out with magic or something. She ended up in corridor on the first floor where the walls where covered with portraits. She walked up to a portrait of a enormously fat man and read the plaque beside it. Lord Berty Borr?! She couldn't keep the shock inside. "That's Borr?!" she said with a fair amount of disgust to no one in particular. Though she was sure someone had heard her. She had said it pretty loudly. She cringed as she heard the slight echo of her voice in the corridor. Ooppsie!
Honestly. Helena couldn't stand being in that office! Especially not these days... Everything seemed so tense because of the protests. Escaping from the office, the 5-month-pregnant, middle-aged woman wandered through the upper level corridors for a while, just to try and clear her mind.

Her bump was beginning to show now... it was also much larger than she'd remembered Iris and Robert being at five months. She knew exactly why that was, but the woman didn't really want to focus on the added scare it brought.

She wandered quite contently until she heard someone yell out about something to do with Borr. Eyeing the other portraits, she could see that many of them didn't like the outburst. Helena raised an eyebrow as she saw someone who looked barely old enough to be working in the Ministry. Then she looked up at the portrait. With an exasperated smirk, the pregnant woman approached the much younger looking woman.

"Yes.... that's him. The one and only," She smiled, bitterly. "I take it you've not met him in the flesh, then? Lucky..."
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