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Old 11-23-2011, 08:39 PM   #226 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: May 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

SPOILER!!: The Slytherin Cheer Dancers!
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
She... kind of liked it?

She wasn't mad?


That was... unexpected. The last thing Nora expected to hear. She was on the point of expecting to hear the word 'detention' or something, but nooo. The Potions mistress liked it.

Seeing the green and silver pompons, Nora was the first one to grab a pair and wiggled them in the air when she started singing. She didn't even care that she sounded way too enthusiastic.

"We're never gonna stop, stop, st-st-st-stop,
We'll always be on top, top, t-t-t-top,
We're serpents 'til we drop, drop, dr-dr-dr-drop,
We're always gonna win, we are Slyth-er-in!

In Quidditch, we're the best, best, b-b-b-best!
Better than all the rest, rest, r-r-r-rest!
Don't put us to the test, test, t-t-t-test,
We're always gonna win, we are Slyth-er-in!
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake View Post
Victoria watched silently as the profesor conjured four sets of pom poms. FOUR? Whose the other one for?

WHAT? NO! Victoria doesn't want to sing...


When was the last time Victoria sang? Oh years ago! Victoria probably have sang about only two times in her whole life. And Professor Lafay wants them to sing now! No warm ups or anything? It looks as if they don't start singing, she's going to pounce on them or something. Yeah, I really shouldn't have said anything. Victoria thought gloomy and took the set of pom poms.

"We - nev - gonna -" Victoria's voice got softer by the second.
"We - always -
We - snake - serpent - 'til -
We - win -

Qui - tch - best, best,
Best - better - than - rest,
Don't - put - test - us -
We - always - win -"
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06 View Post
Ariana was set back at first all the mean things she heard about professor Lafay & all of them seemed false at this point. Ariana Went & picked up some... pom poms as much as she didnt want to and started her chant... "Like this Victoria.." as she tried to help her class mate out.. [B]"We're never gonna stop, stop, st-st-st-stop;
We'll always be on top, top, t-t-t-top;
We're serpents 'til we drop, drop, dr-dr-dr-drop;
We're always gonna win, we are Slyth-er-in!

In Quidditch, we're the best, best, b-b-b-best!
Better than all the rest, rest, r-r-r-rest!
Don't put us to the test, test, t-t-t-test;
We're always gonna win, we are Slyth-er-in!"[b]

She did the chant slowly so that victoria could try to catch on.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

What?! Sierra was going to have to pick up those silly pom poms and sing, as well?! ...but this was supposed to be something she taught to others--so that they could do the pom pom waving and cheering! Sierra gave Lafay a pleading look, but she knew her efforts would be useless. Trying to reason your way out of something Lafay wished for you to do was like a death wish.

...and so Sierra picked up a set of pom poms. She felt silly. When the other girls began, Sierra did, as well:

"We're never gonna stop, stop, st-st-st-stop,
We'll always be on top, top, t-t-t-top,
We're serpents 'til we drop, drop, dr-dr-dr-drop,
We're always gonna win, we are Slyth-er-in!

In Quidditch, we're the best, best, b-b-b-best!
Better than all the rest, rest, r-r-r-rest!
Don't put us to the test, test, t-t-t-test,
We're always gonna win, we are Slyth-er-in!"

She smiled and nodded her head to their song. "Good. 5 points for each of you." She said clapping to the group. "And 5 points to Miss Greingoth for each person she taught the chant." She said and started walking towards the door to leave. "I want to hear this at the game..." She said and in time to the sound of the chant, to herself she sang "Damdadadamdam win, we are Slyth-er-in... Dam Do Do Doo Dooo Dooo..."

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