Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Cass sighed exasperatedly as Josh eyed her up. Clearly he was looking for a yes no answer which she did NOT want to give. Oh well, this was only a small lie wasn't it? Not like anything could possibly go wrong if she didn't warm up just this once. "I have..I have jeez.."
She turned her back to him, unable to face him while lying. Gah she felt terrible but she just couldn't be arsed to warm up right now. Besides, surely coming up those stairs was warm up enough for her body.
"Please let us start some warm up techniques today Joshua..pretty please.." she bat her lashes at him and mini pouted. This never worked on James but maybe her luck would be better with Josh.
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack... |