SPOILER!!: bwahaha!
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"You seem to blame a lot on that potion Carter." She didn't think a love potion could make someone sing bad or good for that matter. Seriously that must have been some potion that Destiny had made. Perhaps her friend would be able to fix Carter's hair.
Mia looked between her two friends and raised her eyebrows at the banter going on between the two. Maybe Marie was right about these two, but she didn't say anything, they would only deny it. Haha. "There you go Carter, problem solved. Destiny will have your hair fixed in a jiffy."
The moment the Slytherin linked her arm, Mia gave her friend a small pinch. "Do you need a list of the ingredients I put in the hair gel?" She'd just had an amusing thought. Some of those ingredients would be either changed or conveniently left off the list.
"HA! Don't listen to her Carter. It wasn't going to be a picture of a giraffe it was going to be the markings of a giraffe. She even asked the tribal leader if he could put those little horn things on her head." Bwhaha! Your secret is out.
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"That's because there is a lot to blame on that potion." Carter told Mia with a frown. "I'm pretty sure that potion had some Essence of Insanity or something in it." That was a real ingredient, right? Maybe? "And I think it must have aged weirdly." Just like Destiny's grandmother. "And it's either I blame the potion or the other thing that happened that day." And he was pretty sure Destiny would appreciate him not blaming his weirdness on snogging her.
Carter eyed Destiny for a moment. He was unsure that Destiny's response was good enough to prove that she could undo the pink. But before he had a chance to voice his concerns the girls were hauling him off to the Potions Lab. He really hoped this ended well... but experience was leaning toward it not being one. "Of course she does." he said answering Mia. That's how potions worked, right? You just put in the opposite stuff and it reversed the effect. "And... let's see if we can make it without any flobberworm mucus. I just got the other bit out."
Carter then burst out laughing. "You wanted giraffe markings? What, like on your face?" he asked. He held his hands out in front of him and used them to frame his view of Destiny's face. "Yeah. I can just see those marking and the little horns. Really cute, Destiny." he said with a smirk.
"I take it you were a good friend and talked her out of it?" he asked turning toward Mia.
Destiny totally agreed with Mia.
She was sure, once Carter admitted that he was crazy, every problem he had in his life, if he had any, would be solved. The first step is denial, and if he had ever been in St. Mungo's, he would know that. Thankfully, he would be playing Quidditch soon; he would wind up in that hospital sooner or later.
"Whatever. It is your fault you drank it." Constant vigilance! He should know that.
"And don't you dare bring that other thing up." Merlin, she was trying to forget about it.
At least Mia had faith in her potion skills. Carter seemed a little scared, and if he wanted a reason to be scared, Destiny was sure her and Mia working together would do just that. Although, with the way the Hufflepuff was pinching her, she had plans to scare her as well.
"What was that for?" People were so weird sometimes!
"And yeah, I suppose I will need that list." Not that she would really read it. How was that going to help her?
"I'm pretty sure we don't need flobberworm mucus. Most likely some other type of mucus will work." She just..didn't know what kind yet.
They made their way inside the Potions lab, and letting go of her friend's arms, Destiny began searching the cupboards for the things they were going to need. A cauldron, a stirrer..
"Hey, Mia!" She ignored the thing Carter was doing to her.
"You said you weren't going to tell anyone that!" Some friend, pfft.
"At least I didn't fall into elephant poo. TWICE!"
She would just leave out the part where she had pushed her into that poo. Twice.