Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate Quote:
Originally Posted by dan arjay Zach smiled when he was acknowledged by the Senior Undersecretary. He was about extend his hand for the man, but he walked to his desk straight away. He followed him, closing the door behind him, he sat on the chair infront of the desk.
He cleared his throat and said, "Good day, Sir. I was just here to report for duty. I just got back from my holidays and funny enough i received some interesting fliers." he said looking at the Undersecretary's face.
He became quiet for a little while and then spoke softly. "I cannot say that I agree with it, I'm only after the good of the government." he said and paused. With McMillan on one side of the desk and Alexander on the other, the Senior Undersecretary folded his hands in front of him as he looked toward the Advisor. "Ahh, yes, I figured you'd be checking back in," he commented. "A holiday, hmm? I'm guessing it went well?" Alexander had been on a bit of a holiday himself. He'd spent the entire Christmas break with his fiancee and his daughter, and although they hadn't gone anywhere specific, being home with them had been more than enough. "Some fliers, hmm?" Alexander responded. Fliers went in an out of the Ministry on a daily basis, so there was really no telling which one in particular McMillan was here about. Although, Alexander did have a pretty good idea. "Which particular flier would this be? There's been quite a few creeping around the place as of late."
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