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With the promise of warmer eather to come, Seren had been ina rather chipper mood, and that was only made better by the sound of a knocking at her door. A visitor! Brilliant.
Wandering over and openeing the door, she smiled brightly at one of her favourite Ravenclaws.
"Ellie, it's so good to see you, come in come in," she said standing back to allow the Quidditch Captain to enter. It had been a while since she saw the girl outside of class and away from the Quidditch pitch.
OOC: You know the drill, yes? Good. (;
Ellie'd taken to biting her lip and rocking from heel to toe as she waited for Bentley to respond. Which didn't take long, at all.
"Hi..." she refrained continuing. They had to have this talk before Ellie'd be comfortable addressing the professor.
Honestly, she was over-thinking this. She already knew it was
ridiculous. She just needed the...certainty.
The young girl stepped into the office, minding the Geraniums, as always. The office itself just made her smile. The smell and the colors. It could still do with more purple and less pink, though.
She walked over to the chairs and sat rather stiffy - rather un-Ellie-like - in one.