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Old 11-08-2011, 08:02 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Oringinaly posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Another who didn't speak and walked by before he could greet her? Atticus noticed that she went straight for the tea though, so perhaps she too was one of those who was hungry and hadn't eaten breakfast. Perhaps she'd come over once she was finished.

In the meantime, Atticus kept his spot by the door. He had more employees than just these, he was sure, so he was going to wait for a few more minutes before he officially started the meeting.
Anna just realized why she had come here are felt a little guilty for not doing it in the first place! She was a little forgetful... and thirsty! She walked right by the Department head and hadn't said hello to him! How rude of her... She got up and walked up to him and said, "Hello there! I'm Anna Black. I'm sorry I didn't say hello to you earlier, I was quite thristy!"
Hufflepuffs Rule

Last edited by ksabo; 11-08-2011 at 08:05 PM. Reason: Errors... LOTS of them
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