SPOILER!!: Mama Bentley <3
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The sight of the little sappling was rather distressing, but there was no point in panicing or being upset, after all she had over looked the little thing earlier... if it hadn't have been for Kurumi it would have been dead. So, if it lived, that would be a bonus.
Oh good, the Gryffindor did know about Runes. Fat lot of good they were. It had been the first, and the last time she purchased a Rune artefact from a back alley Peruvian market stand.
Taking the tin from Kurumi's hand, she gave it a tap with the end of her wand. But the lid wouldn't yeild. "Blasted thing... don't know why I bother with it sometimes," she said giving it another, firmer tap. This time the lid came off smoothly revealing a a light blue powdery substance within.
"Powdered horn of Bicorn," she said, pinching a bit between her fingers and sprinkling it over the exposed roots of the plant. Or at least what was left of them. "It will help absorb the moisture without danaging the roots any further..." taking a scrap piece of parchment, she lay the plant out on top of it, leaving it sitting on the corner of her desk.
"... now we wait and see. There's no point re-planting it just yet, not while the roots are so far gone, this time tomorrow we'll know if it was successful."
Kurumi watched as Professor Bentley tended to the plant. At least the vein in her forehead seemed to have subsided a bit. Kurumi had been afraid that the professor was going to pop like a bubotuber bulb...which really wasn't a very good image.
Bicorn horn? Kurumi had only ever used that in brewing the Polyjuice Potion - memories that she would rather not think about right now.
She peered over a bit to look at the rather pathetic looking plant, whose roots were no more than little stubs now, and frowned. "
Is there...anything else I can do for it, Professor?" she asked, peeking up to glance at Professor Bentley. "
I kind of feel responsible for it." Meaning like how one finds an injured animal on the side of the road and wants to make sure it heals properly. Perhaps even keep it as a pet sort of thing.