Originally Posted by
AlwaysSnapesGirl It was already starting to feel strange being on Level Four in the Ministry of Magic rather than outside on the Winged Horses Reserve like he was used to, and he missed it already. Still, he was sure he'd like this new job as well; it was a good job, he knew that. The first day was always the hardest and strangest anyway. He'd get used to it within a few days surely, and, hopefully, this would all help in the long-run...
But enough of that. Now it was time to call for a meeting so he could meet all his employees and fellow coworkers. Meeting them in person was far better than simply reading over their files.
Atticus walked to the center of all the work desks, smiling as he surveyed each of them. Then he cleared his throat and raised his voice over all the chatter that was going on. "Good morning!" he said cheerfully. That ought to get their attention, yes? Once he had it, he continued. "I know you are all hard at work, but now I ask that you take a short break and please follow me to the conference room for a mandatory meeting. All Magical Creatures employees should attend. Thank you." He turned and made his way to the conference room. Violet, completely absorbed in her work, did not notice at first when someone new entered the room. Slowly, she became aware that someone was talking, and she looked up. Her eyes went straight for the man in the middle of the room. A conference? Lovely. This must the be new Department Head. Violet was excited to meet him. So, when he left, she put all of her papers in their correct files, put the files away in a drawer and followed him.