India! ¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls A love sofa and two opposite armchairs? Set. A small coffee table with butterbeer and small cakes? Set. A music player of romantic songs when wanted? Set. Wooden floor with a carpet under the coffee table and suitable walls? Set. A little bit darkness? Set. A really handsome and wonderful smelling João Neves? Set.
After spending like an hour decorating the room before the meeting time, João stood in the doorway and took one last look to decide whether it was too bold. It was an ideal living room in his mind, there were two opposite armchairs and one for two people, a coffee table with snacks and light music if necessary. Although it was suggestive, he hoped it wasn't too bold for her, that could frighten her off. Plus, they were just going to talk, and this was a nice place to talk...
...sitting arm-in-arm in the sofa. He liked the idea. |