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Nate's wand hit him in the face, but he hastily grabbed it and casted Protego twice: once around Jez and once around himself. "Jez, the dummies are multiplying!" He called, hoping she could hear him through the two shields. The crowd of dummies was growing, and Nate was losing visual of Jez. He kept a tight grip on his wand to make sure the shields stayed up. "Jez, we need to get out of here. We could die here and nobody would know!" Nate was beginning to panic. He thought of Faina, of Pam, all of the rest of his friends. He thought of the life he would never make it to live. When the shields flickered, though, Nate's attention shifted to two people, Jez and himself. In that order. He closed his eyes and thought relentlessly one thing: I need the dummies to disappear! I need the dummies to disappear!.. He thought he could hear scraping coming from outside the shield, and some sort of vacuum, but didn't know what exactly was happening.
Until he opened his eyes again. The mirrors had begun to suck the dummies towards--no, into-- them. As the dummies passed over the mm tab between the Room of Requirement and the space within the mirror, Nate registered less dummies in the room, and more reflections of dummies that weren't actually there.
Jez was about to throw her wand to safety and fight the dummies with her bare hands, she was that angry, but then Nate cast a protective shield around her. She glared at him, unable to hear him properly through the shield. It was like listening to someone underwater - distorted and bubbly. Something about the dummies and multiplying ... this was no time to be thinking of maths! Then about dying ... frankly Jez didn't care. Her world had fallen apart weeks ago, there was nothing to live for anymore. Nothing to go home to in the holidays. Nothing.
Except Scott. And Nate. And Pam. And Erin. Her best friends. And what about her little brother Than? He'd already lost Keegan, he couldn't lose her as well ... suddenly Jez didn't want to die. She screamed in panic, thinking of all the people that cared about her. "I DON"T WANT TO DIE!" She closed her eyes and wished like crazy.
Make the dummies go away, make the dummies go away ... Somehow she sensed Nate doing the same.
When Jez opened her eyes, there were a lot less dummies than there had been. Relief swept over her, and she smiled at Nate. Thank Merlin, they were going to live!