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Finally! AW such a nice reunion!

Although I was kinda confuzzled--I didn't know Lexi had never met her mom.

And I WILL have more cause I'm SPECIAL!

Chapter 13: Is this Normal?
For this year’s spring break, the Fanellis and Lex decided to stay home, considering Adriana invited Stephen’s birth parents over this year. And what a big mistake that was. Too bad Lexi's mom couldn't make it. Things probably would've went better.
“Was that another glass thing in the house they broke?!” Adriana was going crazy. Leonard decided to smack Stephen awake this morning, causing Stephen to chase him around the house and break things.
“Why out of all the days do they have to pick today?!”
“Relax, Adri, it’s not like we’re not used to this already,” Giovanni said, picking up the pieces to the broken glass picture frame.
“They’re treating this like any other day, why shouldn’t you?”
“Because what if his birth parents don’t think that this is a stable home for him? What if they want to take him away and we don’t get to see him again? Do you not think about these possibilities?” she whispered.
Giovanni chuckled.
“Okay, first, he’s been living with us for his entire life, I think that ship has sailed. Second, he’s nineteen; he can make decisions for himself now. And third, no because I’m pretty sure none of this is going to happen,” he said, tossing away the broken pieces and setting the picture on the counter. With the small talk Giovanni and Adriana had, they didn’t notice their sons tumbling down the stairs together.
“Why don’t you just move out already?!” Stephen yelled.
“Why don’t you go live with your birth parents already?!” Leonard yelled back, pushing Stephen off of him and heading towards the kitchen.
“Mom, would you please tell your son to stop breaking things?”
“Me? You were the genius who smacked me awake this morning,” Stephen answered, sitting at the counter. Adriana held her hand up, signaling to not make her say anything before they both ended up grounded again. Lexi finally graced them with their presence, looking all dressed up for today’s barbecue.
“Why so fancy looking?” he teased.
“I want to make a good impression,” she answered, sitting next to the monster.
“I want to make a good impression on the monster’s birth parents, but these two are making it too difficult,” Adriana pointed to Leonard and Stephen.
“Now hurry up and eat and go get ready. Everyone will be here a bit after twelve,” she added. Quickly eating their food, and occasionally choking, the brothers went to their rooms and to get ready for a barbeque they weren’t looking forward to much. Slipping on his shoe, Stephen heard commotion going on in his small room and knew only one person who would make that much noise.
“STEPHEN!” Kat squealed and clanged herself to him.
“It’s nice to see you too,” he laughed and patted her head. The pair headed towards the backyard, but not before seeing people walk through the front door. Did it really take him that long to get dressed?
“Stephen, it’s nice to see you again,” Diana said happily as she walked over to hug him. He just nodded, starting to feel the awkwardness today was going to bring. Raul hugged him as well, and moved out of the way once a shorter person stepped forward.
“So you’re the parents have been talking about? I expected much more,” the smaller person said, her green eyes staring into Stephen.
“And I expected myself to be an only child. I guess we both didn’t get what we wanted for our birthdays,” he smirked, just to have the girl pout.
“Next time, I suggest you wish for some height too,” he added.
“Alright you two, settle down. Stephen, this is Clare, your fourteen year old sister,” Raul said.
“You’re pretty short for a fourteen year old,” Stephen smirked, patting Clare on her head and heading towards the backyard with Kat again. The pair sat on the under the tent his parents set up about a week ago. Setting himself on a long beach chair, Kat pulled out a bag of sweets from her bag and began to eat it.
“Isn’t it too early to have sweets?” “It’s after twelve, so no,” Kat said, putting some chocolate into her mouth.
“Did that shrimp really just come into our house and said she expected more from you?” Leonard said, sitting down with the pair outside.
“You don’t come into our house and insult one of the people that live here. She basically asking to be drowned in the pool if she keeps it up,”
“With mom around, I doubt we’ll be able to get away with anything,” Stephen said.
“Plus, I’m getting bad feelings about today, so I’m paranoid around these people now,”
“Stephen, what if they want to take you away?! WHO WILL I BOTHER NOW!?” Kat panicked, stuffing all her sweets into her mouth. “I’ll miss you!” Kat threw herself on Stephen, cutting off his breathing.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he breathed, trying to release the hyperactive girl off of him. Managing to pull Kat off Stephen, Leonard set her back down in her chair and kicked his feet onto the small table in the middle. When Leonard opened his mouth to say something, the short person walked out into the backyard.
“This is the backyard? I thought backyards in Italy would look way better but I guess not everyone can afford a nice one,” Clare said, making her way back inside. Stephen and Leonard both looked at each other and smirked. Before Clare reached the door, Stephen took out his wand and locked it shut. Leonard then levitated the poor girl over the pool, for a bit of fun.
“Stephen, I want to fly next!” Kat squealed, getting to her feet and spreading her arms wide open, pretending them to be wings.
“I’m ready!”
“So you think you can come into our house, act rudely to my brother, say our parents can’t afford a nice backyard and thought that you would leave here in one piece?” Leonard smirked, inching Clare closer to the water.
“YOU GUYS ARE FREAKS! NO WONDER MY PARENTS DIDN’T WANT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Clare spat, only to have the anger in the Fanelli brothers grow a bit more. Leonard looked over to Stephen, with a smirk on his face and slowly stepping back. The monster understood the signal and stepped closer to his dangling “sister”.
“I hope you know how to swim,” Stephen whispered, casting infinite to Leonard’s charm and watched with the other two as Clare fell into the pool.
“Help! HELP! I’M DROWNING! THESE FREAKS ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!” she screamed, splashing water all over the place. To their right, were her parents, frantically trying to get through the locked doors. Lexi popped up, unlocked the doors with her wand and walked towards them, hiding her laughter behind her hands.
“Stand up, girl! This part of the pool is only three feet deep!” Lexi called out, not being able to contain her laughter anymore.
“Rocky, come here boy!” Leonard called out and whistled. The silly dog ran towards them but instead directed himself towards the pool. Too bad Clare was in the way.
“Clare, are you alright?” Diana asked her daughter, slowing pulling her out of the water.
“Does he really have to come live with us?! I DON’T WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR PEOPLE FROM ANOTHER PLANET!” Clare yelled, storming off into the house. Diana, obviously noticing the faces everyone had, she went off behind her daughter.
“Do you think I’m being paranoid now?” Adriana asked Giovanni.
“Since when were you guys here?” Lex asked.
“We were towards the back the entire time. I guess you were all in your own little gossips that you didn’t even notice us,” Giovanni answered.
“Do they think that just because he’s their biological son, he has to live with them? Over my dead body if they think they’re going to get away with this,”
“Well, we should head inside to eat and see what this is all about,” Adriana said, pushing the misfits, plus one inside into the dining room. Quickly finishing setting the table, the group of four went into the living room and enjoyed some television.
“Stephen, go get us some snacks,” Leonard demanded, flipping through the channels.
“Fine,” he sighed, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. Sitting at the counter was Clare, now in dry clothing, then Adriana and Diana making idle chit chat.
“Hey mom?”
“Yes?” Both Adriana and Diana answered. They looked at each other; faces flushed and looked other places.
“Oh, awkward. Let’s try this again,” Stephen said and leaned on the counter.
“Mom,” he said, eyeing Adriana, who gave him a small smile.
“Do we have any snacks here? Your other son is hungry,”
“There’s some soda in the fridge and chips in the cupboards. But don’t get stuffed on them or else your father won’t be too pleased,” she pointed out and brought down some glasses to place on the dining table. Stephen nodded, carefully levitating everything back to the living room.
“You’re such a good boy,” Leonard teased as the food was set down on the coffee table.
“Shut up,” Stephen replied, heading towards his seat, but groaned when he heard the doorbell. Getting back to his feet and seeing as no one else would get up; he answered the door, just to have the shock of his life.
“Oh, um, hi. I didn’t know you knew where I lived,”
“Lexi invited me over. She said I had to come or else,” Aimee said.
“Can I come in?” Stephen nodded, opening the door and closing it behind her.
“Mom, set another plate, we have more guests,” Stephen called out.
“Who?” Adriana walked towards the living room and stopped when she spotted the little blonde girl.
“Oh, well I’ll tell your dad to make more food,” she smiled, walking to the backyard.
“Stephen, can we talk somewhere? With, you know, less people?” Aimee asked. A bit confused by the question, Stephen just nodded.
“Giraffe, tell mom I went to the park for a bit,” he said and headed out the door. The short walk to the park was quiet and awkward. Stephen guessed this happened when two people, who were formerly dating, hung out for a bit.
“So what do you want to talk about?” he asked, walking into the park with Aimee. Luckily, most families went on vacations to other places for spring break and summers. So the park right now was almost deserted.
“I wanted to apologize about how I broke up with you. The reasons I said weren’t good enough to end our relationship. Plus, I should’ve understood that you wanted to find your parents, since you never met them and probably had many things to ask them,” Aimee answered, sitting down on a bench with Stephen, watching as a few kids were running around near a fountain.
“But I still should’ve made some time for us, not just get consumed with this hunt that wasn’t really worth it in the end,”
“What do you mean?”
“My biological mother wants me to live with her family now,”
“How do you know?”
“So earlier, Leonard and I dumped my ‘sister’ into the pool. When she got out, she began yelling about how she doesn’t want me to live with them because I’m a freak and such. So things are pretty awkward at home right now,” Stephen laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
“Honestly, I don’t think you should live with them. You barely know them and they might not be what they seem,”
“But then again, I should at least see what they are like for some time, and then make my final decision and come back home,”
“Well, whatever you chose, please be careful, boyfriend?” Aimee said, looking up at Stephen, who was smirking and chuckling.
“I promise, girlfriend,” he smiled, kissing her and getting to his feet.
“Well, we should head back before my dad goes crazy with how much food he’s making,” Aimee nodded, taking Stephen’s hand into hers and heading back to the chaotic house.
“You could’ve caused little Stephanie some trauma for inviting Aimee!” Leonard hit Lex with a pillow as the couple walked back inside. Stephen cleared his throat, which caused them to stop and turn their heads. He held up his hand, which was still twined with Aimee’s.
“Oh,” Leonard laughed and patted Lex before heading to the kitchen.
“Your brother really needs some help,” Lex said, trying to fix her hair in the hallway mirror.
“Oh yay! Aimee and Stephen are dating again! Time to celebrate!” Kat squealed, also heading to the kitchen with everyone else. Shrugging, Aimee and Stephen followed behind them into the kitchen, just to face an awkward silence that bloomed when they walked in.
“It’s nice to see you again, Aimee,” Giovanni said, pulling out a chair for her to sit on.
“Time for food,” he added, setting the freshly grilled food on the table, along with some drinks.
“It’s nice to actually meet you all,” she laughed.
“And vegetarian everything for Stephen,” his dad said, setting down an oval white plate in front of him with a drink.
“You’re a vegetarian? By choice or were you forced into it?” Diana asked, to receive a glare from Raul.
“I’m pretty sure it was by choice, Diana. Why would they force him into something he wouldn’t like? Stephen would probably resent his parents a bit if they were to do that,” Raul explained. But apparently, Diana didn’t like Raul calling the Fanellis Stephen’s parents.
“You seem to forget that we’re his actual parents,” Diana said. Everyone around them sighed, trying to conduct their own conversations.
“This is not the time and place to talk about this-,”
“I want Stephen to live with us!” Diana said loudly. Stephen choked on his food, Leonard spit out his drink onto Kat, Lex quickly made conversation with Aimee, and Clare wandered into space, and Adriana and Giovanni glare at Diana.
“I believe he should be with his parents,” “He is with his parents and like I said to them before, over my dead body will I let you take Stephen. He’s of age and can decide whether or not he wants to live with you,” Giovanni said.
“Kids, go upstairs, the adults have to talk,” the group of five nodded and dashed towards the upper floor, but stayed near the stairs to eavesdrop.
“Do you think you’ll go with them?” Leonard asked Stephen. The pair stepped into Leonard’s room, seeing as the girl would most likely tell them everything later.
“I was talking to Aimee about it before. Maybe I’ll go with them for some time, just to see what they’re really like and come back. I don’t think I’ll be able to live with people who obviously don’t know me at all and can’t accept that we’re able to do magic,”
“Alright, but three months tops. More than that and I’ll personally come looking for you and bring you back,”
“It’s really weird to hear you say that,”
“I know. It’s because I’m not affectionate to you but you’re still my brother. Besides, you might as well give that Clare girl hell while you’re over there,”
“But if I go, I’m risking my relationship with Aimee again. Do I really want to go through this whole thing again?” Stephen said, sitting down on Leonard’s bed which he found out was pretty comfortable.
“If she really cares for you, then she’ll deal with it and understand,” Leonard answered.
“Stop talking like that, it’s freaking me out,” Stephen laughed.
“Let’s hope Aimee’s okay with it then”
“But I am,” Aimee startled the pair as she walked through the door.
“It’s going to be hard, but I think I’ll be able to manage,” she laughed.
“Plus, you better write to us every day or you’re next into the pool!” Lex said, walking in with Kat.
“Then I guess I’m going to New York,” Stephen sighed, heading back downstairs while Lex and Leonard went to pack some of his stuff. The “adults” were still going at it about the whole living with each thing when Stephen walked in. He cleared his throat, which got his dad’s attention, who nudged Adriana to stop.
“So I decided that I’ll go live with the Riccis for some time, and if I don’t like it, I’m coming back. I’ll be there for three months and no more,”
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Adriana asked, walking over to him and sighing. Stephen nodded, feeling Adriana’s fingers go through his messy hair. It was what she did before he made her cry. This was sadly many times.
“Mom, don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry,” he said, pulling her in for a hug.
“How can I not cry when my baby is leaving me to live with other people?”
“Is this how you’re going to act when I move out?”
“Move out? Oh no, you’re living here forever,” she laughed and kissed his forehead.
“Make sure you write whenever you can. Visiting doesn’t hurt either,” she whispered into his ear.
“Just be careful and don’t get into any trouble,” Giovanni said, joining in on the hug.
“I’ll contact Chelsea to keep an eye on you and these people,” he whispered, with a nod. Leonard then came down with Stephen bags and handed them to him. As he tried to take them, Leonard held a firm grip and didn’t let go. Aimee patted Leonard’s back, which finally made him let go and quickly head back to his room.
“I’ll go talk to him,”
“I guess we’ll see you in three months. If anything goes wrong, we’re coming to get you,” Lex smiled and hugged her best friend. Aimee and Kat joined, seeing as those three wouldn’t have anyone to bother for some time.
“We should go now,” Raul said, and said goodbye to Adriana, who got along pretty well. Diana nodded her head and nudged it to signal Stephen to follow them outside. Putting his wand into his suitcase, Stephen waved as he made his way to a dark green car outside.
These next three months were going to be pretty long.