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Nate shook off Jez's arm. "No, not in the slightest!" he growled. "Again! One! Two! THREE!! BOMBARDA MAXIMA!"
Maybe yelling louder had made the spell more powerful. Maybe Nate simply had more will for it to work, and maybe it was just a lucky shot that when he cast his spell this time, at least twenty dummies went down in a shower of sparks, fire, and wooden shrapnel. Nate ducked to the floor as the explosion engulfed more dummies, who were now not only still moving, but also on fire as they readied their sparks. To make things even better, Nate had lost his grip on his wand during the explosion, and it was sitting about ten feet away from him. "Jez, I'm disarmed!" he cried desperately, more scared than he had ever been in his life.
Jez barely had time to register the count before she was shouting the spell. "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" The explosion sent her stumbling backwards into a mirror. She shook her head, trying to rid her vision of sparks. When her eyes cleared, she saw Nate, disarmed and looking frightened. Jez pointed her wand at him. "Protego!" she screamed, just as the dummies unleased their sparks. The spell protected Nate, but as Jez bent down to retrieve his wand, the shield shuddered and was lost. "No, no, no!" she shrieked as the dummies readied themselves again. "Nate, catch!" She threw his wand, hoping his reflexes were good, and pointed her wand at the dummies. "Protego!" The shield wouldn't come. Jez panicked. Her worst fear.
She couldn't use magic.