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Old 11-19-2004, 10:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Exclamation Vampires

This is my first Fan Fic so if its not good, sorry.

Disclaimer: I dont own nothing of Harry Potter only the made ups and the plot.

This story is about if everyone at Hogwarts was a vampire. You know like Hary and all. I hve only like 3 or 4 made ups. Hogwarts is really Hogwarts School of Vampires and Vamparismm. Oh yeah and this is the trio's 7th year.

Chapter 1

It was the first day the students came back. The first years were waiting to be led into the Great hall to be sorted. The older students were catching up and talking. The Great Hall was decorated in black and green, because Slytherin had won the past years house cup. The ceiling up above was of stars and moons. As a meteor sped across the celing's fake night sky. A young girl named Zamarit, stared up at it as a meteor sped across. "you see that, Tony?" Zee said to her twin brother Tony who was talking to the Quidditch Captain Draco Malfoy about practice. "what, oh yeah" he said not paying attention to Zee like usual. Zee was mostly by herselfonly when she found her friends or smething. She was shy and kept to herself. Zee had black brownish hair and honey brown eyes. She looked like your average girl, well apart from being a vampire and going to a school of vampires.Now her bro Tony was the opposite personality from her. He was the beater for the Slytherin team. His appearance is brown hair and eyes. He was muscular, because of practice, he was also good looking. He wasnt shy or anything he liked parties and going out. He would often say Zee was depressed but she wouldnt pay attention to him. Zee was in la la land when the first years came in to be sorted. It went by pretty fast, and then the food came on the tables. Zee looked around and saw the trio taling.. well actually Hermione and Ron in deep conversation. Harry looked irritated by them. Zee was still looking over there when Tye a guy she knew came over to the table he was in Slytherin.

Ok theres the first Chapter I'll post Chap 2 on Wednesday. Hpe someone likes it
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